Example sentences of "it [verb] [is] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , so if you had if I try and draw it much the same if you had that and let's choose let's choose er , well le , let's keep the same let's keep to the same carbon chain if you had that the carbon skeleton is exactly the same the only way it differs is that the O H group here is on carbon one of that chain that we 've chosen where as here , it 's on carbon two of that chain .
2 The solution it offers is that the pay-off to dangerous fighting will decrease as the habit becomes commoner , which will decrease the amount of dangerous fighting in nature .
3 Well , I , I , the way I see it going is that the E C will expand to not only Lithuania about being but also other , other , er forms of Soviet Republics .
4 ( Yet beauty of glass is that the story it tells is that the parts can not cohere , can not form a whole , even though they would like to . )
5 What it means is that the time of release from prison is determined by the Home Secretary , on the advice of the Parole Board and the Lord Chief Justice , rather than by the judge at the trial .
6 The principle upon which it operates is that the pool is split into two components : the first is referred to as ‘ common funding ’ and accounts for the greater bulk of the pool ; and the second is known as ‘ further funding ’ and comprises an element of additional financing for those institutions which have a high historic unit cost .
7 The way it works is that the theory , the theory actually erm er has four dimensions .
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