Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [coord] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He makes it sound simple but the success speaks for itself .
2 It gets bruised but the fruit remains .
3 For their part , consumes should take reasonable care when making purchases ; where there is small print it should be read carefully or , if it seems complex and the purchase involves a large sum of money , professional advice may be required .
4 Although piped water was connected to the village in 1906 , it proved unreliable and the well was still in use right up to the second world war .
5 At — 0.7 V it becomes neutral and the resistance rises .
6 Once a repetition has been observed to flow , it can be dammed like a river , building up the pressure until it becomes irresistible and the dam bursts .
7 Research has shown that the most effective temperature for the bulb in a UV system to operate at is 77°s ; F. If the bulb is too close to the water , it becomes chilled and the temperature drops .
8 The shade has a double skin so that it remains cool and the light is well diffused , thus reducing glare and shadows .
9 And in the process of unloading one of the bundles , it split open and the manager found the cannabis concealed inside it .
10 She was not even able to read : though the family possessed an extensive library , Dona Marguerita had it kept locked and the key lodged with Padre Jorge , who was prepared to issue devotional books only , and that grudgingly .
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