Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [coord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although Preston still referred to it privately as the God slot , as he had indicated to Kate it made little or no reference to the Almighty .
2 The bare infinitive in exclamations evokes therefore an incidence of the infinitive 's event to its support which can only be represented as potential since the speaker feels it has little or no chance of being real , of finding a place in real time .
3 If you do feel hungry , you can eat anything you like — as long as it has little or no fat in it .
4 Although treatment of secondary hyperprolactinaemia with a dopamine agonist may reduce plasma prolactin concentrations , it has little or no effect on the growth of a macroadenoma .
5 Ordinarily it provoked little or no attention from passers-by .
6 It bears little or no relation to ideas of marriage held by non-Christian races in Africa and Asia .
7 He makes it sound simple but the success speaks for itself .
8 It is preferable to smack the dog with your hand rather than use a rolled-up newspaper which the dog may see as an extension of the game , especially if it gets excited and a tug-of-war ensues .
9 It gets bruised but the fruit remains .
10 He said copyart can be practised by people of differing abilities because it takes little or no skill to produce exciting and impressive images .
11 For their part , consumes should take reasonable care when making purchases ; where there is small print it should be read carefully or , if it seems complex and the purchase involves a large sum of money , professional advice may be required .
12 It is almost as if the modern mind , unable to tolerate cultural restraints , and feeling that discontent in civilization which Freud described long ago , had become so intolerant of the demands of communal existence and civilized behaviour that it saw each and every representative of those restraints as an incitement to revolt rather in the same way that an enraged revolutionary mob , thirsting for the blood of its oppressors , might fall on some unfortunate bystander merely because he happened to bear a resemblance to the head of the secret police .
13 Although piped water was connected to the village in 1906 , it proved unreliable and the well was still in use right up to the second world war .
14 If anything , his face was even more horrific , lacking as it did all but a travesty of humanity ; despite his animation , it still most resembled a helmet , a metal helmet with visor down , roughly shaped to conform to the outlines of a human face .
15 At — 0.7 V it becomes neutral and the resistance rises .
16 Once a repetition has been observed to flow , it can be dammed like a river , building up the pressure until it becomes irresistible and the dam bursts .
17 Research has shown that the most effective temperature for the bulb in a UV system to operate at is 77°s ; F. If the bulb is too close to the water , it becomes chilled and the temperature drops .
18 It said two and a half .
19 Reading a rightwing rather than a left-wing paper improved images of Thatcher and the Conservative Party , and damaged images of Kinnock and the Labour Party , though it had little or no influence on images of the Alliance and its leaders .
20 But although a great deal of solid matter had soon accumulated on one or other side of the ramparts and sometimes on both , it had little or no effect .
21 The latter move was endorsed by the Soviet government , but it was an acknowledgement of an accomplished fact over which it had little or no control .
22 The shade has a double skin so that it remains cool and the light is well diffused , thus reducing glare and shadows .
23 And in the process of unloading one of the bundles , it split open and the manager found the cannabis concealed inside it .
24 She was not even able to read : though the family possessed an extensive library , Dona Marguerita had it kept locked and the key lodged with Padre Jorge , who was prepared to issue devotional books only , and that grudgingly .
25 ‘ If this judgment is less helpful than the parties hoped , as it almost certainly is , the reason lies in the terms of the statute , which places the discretion so unequivocally on the trial judge that it leaves little or no room for an appellate court to lay down principles or even guidelines .
26 It makes little or no difference to bed-wetting and denying the drink will seem like a punishment .
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