Example sentences of "it [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the Cork County Council planning committee met later that month it agreed to hold further consultations with local residents .
2 Although the Soviet Union ended fuel subsidies to Cuba from Jan. 1 , 1991 , it agreed to supply 10,500,000 tonnes of oil which represented a shortfall on promised supplies and was believed to be the bare minimum sufficient to meet Cuba 's needs [ for previous shortfalls in Soviet oil supplies see p. 37813 ] .
3 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
4 Though it captured much of the dynamic of British and American FDI in the pre-oil shock world , it failed to anticipate subsequent developments in corporate strategy or indeed what had motivated investors from other countries .
5 FCA of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 1.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to carry out a review of its compliance procedures in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.09 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to warn clients of the extent to which they may be exposed to risk in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 , when the firm gave advice to clients such that , if acted upon , it would result in commission being received , it failed to inform those clients of that position in writing in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.47 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to issue engagement letters in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.60 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to ensure that it had adequate records in accordance with the terms of the Regulation was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
6 There were times when her preoccupation with ‘ basket power ’ , with the sovereignty of the consumer seemed part of a conception of political change that was both reformist and restricted , not least because it failed to challenge domestic discourses of women 's roles ; but such attention has to be seen in the context of a commitment to conceptions of political radicalisation based on personal development .
7 It involves using strict criteria for admission , such as failure in a nursing home or extreme restlessness and aggression .
8 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
9 It involved identifying common concerns of teachers and then producing stimulus materials to initiate and focus discussion and trigger groups working on them to devise their own plans of action .
10 Overland , it needs to see 4 satellites at any one time to give a three dimensional ‘ fix ’ including altitude .
11 It needs to acquire some teeth from somewhere , ’ he said .
12 USL says it ‘ would be happy to help Sun do that , ’ but SunSoft , which also has a seat on USL 's board , is currently lobbying hard to get its own views adopted by UI , and to do that it needs to get other members on its side .
13 What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain , the greenhouse effect , nuclear weapons , and genetic engineering ?
14 It also says it has received new supplies of needed parts and should meet current demand on most products during this quarter .
15 The Wall Street Journal has been going through Richardson , Texas-based Cyrix Corp 's prospectus for its proposed initial public offering ( page seven ) and finds that the company has a hitherto undisclosed dispute with Texas Instruments Inc over licensing and manufacturing issues — Cyrix says it has received limited supplies of chips from Texas , and as a result ‘ assumes it will not receive any products from Texas Instruments in the future ’ ; the dispute could give Texas , which has a licence to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name , the right to sell all current and some future Cyrix products through the term of the five-year agreement , making it harder for Cyrix to develop its own brand name identity ; the current manufacturing agreement with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV would be able to meet its needs to the end of the year , after which it would need to buy its own manufacturing facility , expand its contracts with the two firms , or do a deal with another chip maker ; earlier this month , SGS-Thomson signed a new contract agreeing to supply chips to Cyrix to the end of 1994 , and gets the right to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name .
16 Over the past three years it has received 11 visits from the Sudbury-based charity group Christian Cargo .
17 The service is short of 369 lawyers , but it has received 517 inquiries about its own articled clerk and pupillage scheme launched in May .
18 It has saved some breweries from takeover , and encouraged new ones to open .
19 In the past two and half years it has risen four times in real terms to pay for the publication of more and more glossy pamphlets such as the parents charter — party political propaganda produced at the taxpayers ' expense .
20 The advantage of the temperature being so low — although it has risen several degrees with the cloud over — is that the snow is like dry flour and brushes off easily .
21 Since 1979 , it has announced special awards to senior women in the visual arts and also mid-career achievement awards for significant contributions to the Women 's Caucus for Art of to the furthering of its goals .
22 Rather , over the past twenty years it has created discrete areas of fashion which do not automatically seek to emulate or follow one another .
23 IBM Corp was scheduled to make an ‘ operational announcement ’ on its Adstar storage business in San Jose just after we closed on Friday , but we have to assume that it was not anything sufficiently dramatic that it would move the share price , otherwise the company would have had to announce it on the New York Stock Exchange before the market opened to prevent a false market operating in the shares ; the announcement was to be made by vice-chairman Jack Kuehler , and was also to include some personnel news ; IBM has been studying ways to separate Adstar from the rest of the company , Dow Jones & Co notes , and earlier this year , it hired Morgan Stanley & Co and the Boston Consulting Group to recommend ways to speed up the process , which could involve outside investors or a new class of IBM share — and those advisors were scheduled to be done with the preliminary work by now ; a first step would likely be the creation of Adstar as a wholly-owned subsidiary — it has kept separate books since last year ; but the IBM spokesman said some observers might be surprised by the announcement , which was to be concerned with Adstar 's ‘ operations as an IBM business unit and its future direction . ’
24 There is evidence that it has killed large quantities of worms , crabs , molluscs and starfish .
25 For much of 1980s , it has devised urban policies of a more imaginative and consensual nature than central government was able to create in England .
26 Take education : it has made gigantic strides against bitter opposition to reform the system , to raise standards , to monitor the results and to draw industry closer to the academic and the educational world . ’
27 It has survived several challenges by federal investigators .
28 It has undergone drastic changes over the past few years .
29 It has affected different parts of the country in very different ways .
30 It has developed two types of condition .
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