Example sentences of "in your [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But with a total eclipse in your sign on the 9th you may have pressing matters to attend to .
2 But the best news is Venus alights in your sign on the 13th marking a four-week period when your personal and romantic life flourishes .
3 WITH Venus in your sign from the 8th , life ca n't be all that bad .
4 We urge the Venezuelan people to continue the strong , democratic tradition existing in your country for the past 34 years .
5 Although we are convinced we are under no ob ] igation to make additional payments which you ask , we are prepared as you demand in your telex of the 26th June , 1973 , and in order to maintain an amicable relationship and without prejudice to our rights , to make an increase of 10 per cent .
6 Consult the table on the back page for easy reference to assist you in your choice of the correct Child Car Safety Seat .
7 Thank you ‘ Small Town Ireland ’ for showing that bigotry towards people who choose to be different in , either sexual inclination or otherwise , is still alive and kicking in your bastion of the caring Catholic Church today , as it was thirty years ago .
8 Sufficient has been written in your columns about the latter match so I will not repeat the facts .
9 My eyes started to blink and a lump stuck in my throat … if you have ever seen a dog barking in French , wagging not only its rudder but its complete hind quarters , and trying to punch you in your chest at the same time — there you have Emily 's welcome in a nut-shell .
10 Erm right so it was it was supposed to be a disgrace to lose your standard in your legion in the Roman army .
11 P.S. Would you please , please , put Jennifer Capriati in your Sweetspot in the next issue for all of us Capriati fans out her .
12 There appears to be no method more reliable to check the degree of redness , pinkness or greyness that you desire then sticking in your knife into the thickest point of the meat .
13 Your appraisal will include an overall performance mark , which we use to decide on increases in your pay for the following year .
14 Organise the work surfaces in your kitchen to the right height ( at wrist level when you are standing beside it ) and avoid slouching with all your weight on one leg when washing up or ironing .
15 Are there issues in your relationship at the present time that you resent ?
16 By the way , I am so very pleased that you are still giving patterns in your magazine for the ordinary standard punchcard knitting machine and not giving way entirely to the electronic .
17 It is not necessary to remember the specific events which occurred there — although there is no harm in doing so — but try to recreate that place in your imagination in the greatest detail possible .
18 If I turn from the P and L Account to the operating cash flow , er you 've got the F R S One cash flow in your er in your pack in the preliminary announcement obviously , but we er do n't find it terribly helpful , it 's not the way we manage the business so I thought you erm would forgive us if we present it in the way we think it 's a little easier to follow .
19 Perhaps you have had a similar experience , or know of a dog in your area with the same background ?
20 On your own you could n't even protect innocent children left in your care from the Fascist thugs .
21 He can lay in your quarters over the stable , Hawkins .
22 I feel that the sense of relief implicit in your report on the French regional elections ( ‘ The defeat of socialism ?
23 Work back in your mind to the possible source of any abrasion — could it be something with a rough edge in the pond , or are there ectoparasites ( ie Argulus ) breaking the skin ?
24 It 's strange you have an image in your mind of the particular person you want for the particular role .
25 You must be clear in your mind from the very outset why you are reading .
26 Similarly , you must be very careful in your use of the brightest and lightest colours .
27 After you have decided which product to pursue , you must be absolutely single-minded in your dedication to the profitable introduction of this one product , and this one only .
28 The report and accounts have been in your hands for the statutory period er , and you 've had the chance to read my statement .
29 In your article on the Spanish peseta ( May 1st ) , you imply that the Bank of Spain had sold mark/peseta options through the Spanish Association of Savings Banks ( CECA ) .
30 In your article on the Lithuanian elections ( February 17th ) , you state that Poland held Lithuania 's capital , Vilnius , between 1920 and 1939 .
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