Example sentences of "in her [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was dreadful to her to think that Rose was an amateur tart earning such a pittance in her legitimate work that she was ready to sell herself for so little .
2 He could no more have overborne her resistance in her present state than he could kick a lame dog .
3 Then the toot of a trumpet and the clown with the enormous sorrowful eyes was coming at her in her ring-side seat and she wanted to run away .
4 Her partners agreed to this unorthodox therapy on condition that it was done in her spare time and she produced an audit after a year .
5 Leonora quivered , her teeth caught in her lower lip as he kissed each breast in turn , his lips lingering over their slight curves .
6 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
7 She was called upon , day after day , to sustain Mrs Browning in her awful anxiety and she did it willingly , dragging out from the furthermost corners of her memory evidence of Miss Henrietta s strength and fortitude together with examples of women of whom she had heard who had survived this disease .
8 Nenna was struck by the difference in her elder daughter since she had seen her last .
9 We were due to record a longish interview with her one afternoon , and over lunch at her favourite restaurant in Basil Street my producer Anthony Rouse and I both asked if there was any subject in her long life that she did not want touched upon .
10 She had a thick brown walking-stick in her right hand and she 'd hooked it around a handle on the door-frame .
11 She was suited in her new position but she missed the children .
12 She looked at Gay , who was an only child too , but who had nobody to give her a good time , and then her glance travelled to Breeze , who had just admitted in her light-hearted fashion that she had no idea of what the future would hold for her .
13 Susie idly jotted names of friends in her rough book when she was lost .
14 Rae imagined the fear in her sunless face as she scrambled up the rough bark .
15 She was not feeling in her sunniest humour as she wondered if she was going to have to wait all day tomorrow for her summons , when someone rang her doorbell .
16 She scolded him then , in her cheerful way that she knew he did n't mind .
17 She had never responded to any man in her whole life as she did to Felipe .
18 What I am saying ? she thought wildly , aware of the thumping beat of her heart , the tension in her whole body as she gripped the phone and waited for his curt reply .
19 There was terror in her white face as she saw this .
20 ‘ You know , you sure are different from the way I 'd imagined you , ’ she said in her slow drawl as she poured out fresh drinks for them both .
21 The superintendent had fallen asleep during the journey , her head gently rolling from side to side against the car seat , her front teeth prominent in her open mouth as she breathed through her nose .
22 Salt was making a meal of Jess 's shortcomings and Nancy stared at the new kitchen wench while her mother nodded in her easy-going way as she took off her shawl and recaptured her dropping hairpins .
23 ‘ A few months ago she was in her full health and it was you we were worried about , ’ Michael cried .
24 For all her capriciousness , Liza was aware of the importance of time-keeping in her particular job and she was waiting for Captain Nash as he emerged from the conference hut a little before the appointed hour .
25 For example in B , I had tried several times without success to contact a third-year female physics student who , it seemed , never looked in her departmental pigeonhole where I left the notes .
26 She could hear the doubt in her own voice as she remembered the gum-chewing , spiky-haired teenager whom she had seen watering the plants .
27 Steve sat as mute as herself but she was so wrapped up in her own misery that she did n't question why he was so quiet .
28 She was such a heroine in her own way because it was not possible to give her the attention and comfort she deserved yet she never complained .
29 And in whatever enterprise he was engaged there , in that far-off region she had never seen , and never would see , where his heart was , she knew in her own heart that it could not be less than glorious .
30 The Hospice sitting service helped Miss Farndale 's family during her illness ; offering support to look after her in her own home until he died .
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