Example sentences of "in a few [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The most enduring band of their time now seem like a memory bound up in a few classic singles and a reputation for ‘ nuttiness ’ .
2 After a simple pre-take off litany ( minus the F for flaps ) which should be familiar to any Cessna 150 pilot , the Aircoupe accelerated down Halfpenny Green 's Runway 34 in a formation take-off , becoming airborne in a few hundred feet before I had to throttle back to keep in station with the hard-climbing 172 camera ship .
3 I sympathized and threw in a few choice obscenities and ‘ hanging 's too good for ‘ ems ’ but made a note to pick up a few watches next time I was down the Brick Lane midnight market .
4 Thirteen were recorded as not using an intelligence test as a determinant , though some of these used one in a few individual cases or as a qualifier .
5 Because they they 've condensed it and just put in a few little bits and pieces !
6 It is only in the states of Western Europe , in the countries of the British Commonwealth , in the United States of America , and in a few Latin-American states that government is carried on with due regard to the limitations imposed by a Constitution ; it is only in these states that truly ‘ constitutional government ’ can be said to exist …
7 The milk sprayed into the bucket in a few short spurts and Piladu pushed the animal forward , let two heavily pregnant ewes push past him and reached out to grasp the wool of a lamb that was trying to jump the rail where the Captain and the Brigadier were leaning .
8 Perhaps , as ATP 's Weller Evans suggests , trying out a ‘ no let ’ rule in a few special matches or even among juniors might be worthwhile — a simple , sensible case of do n't knock it until you 've tried it .
9 In taking this view we are not denying that the loss of liberty may actually be necessary in a few extreme cases and this should only be where the child presents a significant danger to him or herself or where there is a significant risk of major further offending and severe damage to community .
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