Example sentences of "in a [noun] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The embarrassments of first love and sexuality , and particularly the nature of violence and cruelty , become bearable or ‘ handlable ’ in a story set in the past .
2 This book documents the participation of women in a struggle centred around the concerns of rural India .
3 The basilica stands in a piazza named after the church , where there are also three small granite columns marking the entrance to the Vicolo Santa Caterina .
4 Less than half the electorate voted in a poll boycotted by the opposition .
5 Cnut 's taking of a second , imperial , crown may well have been stimulated not only by a position in Scandinavia which emulated that of Swegen , but by achievements in Britain which lay firmly in a tradition established by the greatest of his royal Anglo-Saxon predecessors .
6 SCOPE for sudden increases in water prices , spelt out in a document leaked to the Labour Party , will remove all effective protection from consumers when the industry is privatised , John Cunningham , the shadow Environment Secretary , said yesterday .
7 In a document leaked to the United Kingdom television programme This Week , the deputy head of the Soviet State Committee for Atomic Energy Safety , N. A. Steinburg , itemized 32 design faults in the reactor type which caused the explosion .
8 These conditions are almost identical to those of the ANC contained in a document endorsed by the Organisation of African Unity in August .
9 The proposal was contained in a document submitted to the Ugandan Constitutional Commission by the Catholic Journalists and Broadcasters Association ( UCJBA ) .
10 Ramos , the then Justice Minister , rejected the accusations against the authorities contained in the October 1989 report ( and borne out in a document published by the Landless Peasants Movement , Sem Terra , in September 1989 ) and proposed the declaration of a state of emergency in certain areas to crush this kind of violence .
11 This proposal predictably caused considerable opposition , especially among the local authorities who countered by publishing their own proposals in a document issued by the Council of Local Education Authorities ( CLEA ) on 15 July 1981 , entitled , The Future of Higher Education in the Maintained Sector : A Consultative Paper .
12 Pc Court had threatened to take the force to an industrial tribunal last year alleging sexual discrimination in a case supported by the Police Federation , but Mr Newing agreed she had been disadvantaged after the arbitration service ACAS was brought in .
13 The Supreme Court is soon to deliver a verdict in a case brought by the Independent Insurance Agents of America .
14 In a case brought by the RSPCA , it 's alleged that a horse was repeatedly beaten with a whip after it became stuck on a high gate .
15 The guns , which can take blank ammunition and are used in country and western events , were in a case left in the car when the owner parked it outside the Boiler Makers ' club .
16 The advice is being given in a course run by the police and a local authority to help children learn how to deal with strangers .
17 Following the question about Everton playing for the Brylcreem Trophy , readers Neil Girard and John Wheatland point out that Everton beat Ipswich Town in a competition based on the Superstars TV programme in which players from both sides took part in various games of skill .
18 Andrew captains London against reigning Divisional champions Midlands at Wasps , while Barnes leads South West against North at Leeds , significant re-instatements for both players in a competition used by the national selectors to formulate the Five Nations ' squad .
19 Environmental issues has won an award in a competition sponsored by The Guardian newspaper .
20 Up to £1,000 can be won in a competition organised by the Cleveland Police Crime Prevention Department .
21 The promise to waive may be embodied in an express contract or in a contract implied by the conduct of the parties .
22 The MDU congress was held in a hall provided by the government and was transmitted live on Mongolian television .
23 Currently nearly half of private households headed by a person of Afro Caribbean ethnic origin ( or nearly twice the proportion of the total population ) lives in a dwelling rented from the local authority .
24 Lying in a groove carved in the top of the handrail is a silver-topped black wooden rod , some 12 ’ long and quite slender .
25 These histories , their temporalities defined according to the specific concepts of particular domains , are not , however , independent of the whole : they are dependent on it , but in a structure derived from the ‘ differential relations between the different levels within the whole … the mode and degree of independence of each time and history is therefore necessarily determined by the mode and degree of dependence of each level within the set of articulations of the whole ’ ( 100 ) .
26 Pensioners ' , disabled and war veterans ' associations took part in a rally organized by the BSP in Sofia on 12 , demanding increased allowances and pensions .
27 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
28 But France 's centre-right opposition has cried foul over the reinforcement of the stakes held by state firms in a company controlled by the Socialist government 's urban affairs minister .
29 We live in a century imprinted on the present , which regards the past as little more than the springboard from which we were launched on our way .
30 All items in a column come from the same domain — there are circumstances where the contents from two or more columns come from the same domain .
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