Example sentences of "in the same [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression .
2 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
3 Alternatively , you could press some similar flowers in the same colourings and use those to decorate the picture .
4 There have been few detailed research studies that have examined arrest rates of those living in the same areas or sentencing in both the magistrates ' courts and the Crown Court in one study .
5 But do they believe in the same god or do they believe in different gods ?
6 I tried to work out what my father would have done in the same circumstances and came to the conclusion that he would have taken what he so often called ‘ a bold step ’ .
7 However , fourteenth-century people were sometimes buried with a purchased Indulgence , and there is at the Ashmolean Museum , Oxford , a small latten figure , not much more than four inches high , of a man in a winding-sheet which might have been enclosed within the folds of the shroud , in the same way that stamped leaden crosses were used up to the seventeenth century , to foil Satan 's attempts to claim the deceased 's soul as his own ; the date of manufacture of the Ashmolean item is indeterminate , but it seems doubtful that such an item would have been produced much after c.1550 .
8 I have noticed several Ogons , in particular , with those ‘ angel-wing ’ pectorals , in the same way that flock spawnings ( among Israeli Koi ) have led to random Kinginrin scales in otherwise matt-bodied fish .
9 In ‘ The Dissolution of Character in the Novel ’ she expresses her faith in the power of the computer as a concept to change literature in the same way that print did nearly five hundred years ago :
10 One main reason for the difficulties considered here is that a settlement usually involves payment of one lump sum in the same way that damages consequent upon a successful court action are also paid in a lump sum .
11 This supplies varying impedances , in the same way that working speakers do — unlike ordinary power soaks which supply a fixed impedance .
12 In the same way that Elonex once rebadged bare Copam machines , so Dan Technology has turned an Intel case and motherboard into a Dan machine .
13 Dare I say that a set of vintage pickups and a lick of conductive paint would almost complete the sonic illusion , in the same way that burying the neck and body in peat for a few months would crown the guitar 's appearance !
14 In the same way when choosing a frame , it is better to use a wooden or plain gold frame rather than a pastel colour or something that is heavily decorated .
15 All wild creatures behave in the same way when presented with a cache of food and plenty of competition for it .
16 Writers of textbooks have a clear view of what they are trying to achieve , and , encouraged by their own success when developing the material , too easily believe that other teachers will use it in the same way when guided only by a well-written instruction , or even just the ‘ clear ’ implication of style in the material itself .
17 This increases the money supply in the same way as does a balance of payments surplus .
18 Unlike in the private sector , borrowing for investment was treated in the same way as borrowing to finance current spending ( on labour or raw materials ) .
19 Speech patterns are formed at an early age and are firmly established — part of our way of life , an almost subconscious activity , rather in the same way as chewing or walking .
20 However , Dr. Male said people inside buildings were screened from electrical fields in the same way as undergrounding would screen them .
21 In the same way as taking the surname of the male in marriage tends to make tracing the female branches of the family more difficult , the use of the term man tends to make women 's history disappear .
22 If Polybius had treated Rome in the same way as according to a fragment of Book 34 he seems to have treated Alexandria , we would have gained in understanding .
23 In the same way as housing benefit .
24 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
25 Some forms of dietary fibre , such as that found in oats , vegetables and fruit , are also able to reduce the level of blood cholesterol , possibly in the same way as polyunsaturates .
26 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
27 Private benefits from more children in the same way as adding an extra livestock unit to the communal pasture are positive , but the public benefits may be negative .
28 Option 4 involves taking the power supply as a spur from a power circuit instead of from a lighting circuit , in the same way as adding extra socket outlets to the circuit .
29 We do not have to fear predators in the same way as do other animals , but because we are social beings and rely upon others for survival , learning and fulfilment in life , company is essential .
30 And now , my dear Sir , having said this much on behalf of this deserving Youth , I must beg to assure you that however zealous my wish to be the means of serving him and his poor Mother , I do not wish , on that account , to influence you — Quite the contrary — I know that in similar cases , your benevolent views have been disappointed , and , perhaps , you have consequently made arrangements for the Future which may render it ineligible to take any youth in the same way as proposed to his Brother — even if you have at present — or are likely in course of a year or two — to have a vacancy .
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