Example sentences of "in the [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That he was not in the category ordained by the Marketing Department for the evening was neither here nor there .
2 MI5 was particularly interested in the contacts made with the armed services , but the Security Service could find little sign of important influential support for Mosley in Parliament , even at the peak of the BUF growth in 1934 .
3 In The Waste Land the idea of a fertility cult in City or suburb is made to seem not irrelevant , but horribly absurd as in the scenes overheard in the pub or observed by Tiresias .
4 This blocks up the jets and air passages in the carb leading to the engine stopping .
5 A call by students and trade unionists for a demonstration on June 9 in the capital resulted in the closure by police of the area around the National Assembly .
6 The spirit in the boy lifted from the bones , from the flesh , through the furs .
7 The language used in the authorities relating to the trustee is none too clear , but it indicates that the trustee has possession of chattels in the hands of the beneficiary , and not merely the right to possess them .
8 There was little in the West to compare with the fanaticism shown by Eastern monks or lay people as well as bishops over the minutiae of dogma .
9 Observatories go back many centuries , perhaps even to Stonehenge ; but modern observatories in the West began in the sixteenth century .
10 Accommodation for teaching , child assessment , occupational and speech therapy and ENT services will be provided in the space created by the redevelopment .
11 If your choice is available , a Reference Number will be given and it is essential that this number is written in the space provided on the Booking Form .
12 If necessary you should add any comments regarding the running of the procedure in the space provided on the NEWOED1 form .
13 If necessary you should add any comments regarding the running of the procedure in the space provided on the NEWOED2 form .
14 Please make sure that you write down your registration number in the space provided on the sponsor form .
15 Tei and Owen provide no breakdown of their data in terms of the angular separation between adapting and test stimuli on their " different " trials so it is net possible to see whether adaptation is effective over a greater range of orientations in the LVF compared to the RVF .
16 The argument was that if the right hemisphere can store a representation of the auditory set and compare it with the visual probe letter then there should be an advantage in reaction time to letters presented in the LVF compared to the RVF .
17 In certain circumstances the trust could also be enforced against third parties in possession of the trust property ; while in the event of insolvency of the trustee the trust beneficiary had a claim for the trust property itself , rather than a personal claim for a share in the debts recovered from the trustee .
18 Labour candidate Frank Cook told Mr Fowler to recognise the difficulties of thousands of pensioners and families in the constituency living below the poverty line , and to apologise to them for the agony 13 years of Tory rule has caused them .
19 From his local library he got photocopies of the maps of his district for 1811 , 1843 and 1871 ; he 'd sit there and try to work out how the changes in the maps related to the view at night ; where the darkness of rookeries , courts and tenements had been replaced with the darkness of lampless parks and public gardens .
20 Its mystery does not affect the understanding of the Created God , for , to accord with the aims and claims of this book that mystery still rests in the pre-life period ; furthermore , it is possible to associate it with the concept of ‘ desire ’ put forward in the hypothesis associated with the Second Period .
21 He was recently banned from the directors ' room at Newcastle and has also been shifted from his seat in the directors box to the back of the stand .
22 Two principal forms of analysis are normally used , graphical methods , in which values derived directly from plotted cumulative curves are entered into established formulae , and moment methods in which the characteristics of every grain in the sample analysed from the sedimentary deposit are used in the computation .
23 Security officials concede the enormity of their task as there are around 4,000 militants in the Valley trained in the use of arms and explosives by Pakistan while another 3,000 are waiting for the winter snows to melt so they can cross over into India from Pakistan .
24 Details are limited , but the evidence may indicate early use of the hillfort , followed by two successive installations in the valley related to the communications network .
25 The purchaser should reject at all costs any attempt by the vendor to disclose any other documents which are referred to in the documents presented with the disclosure letter .
26 In the documents relating to the purchase of works from the Hermitage , discussed between Colnaghi and Knoedler , no French rococo painting was singled out , only one Italian eighteenth-century painting was mentioned , and no seventeenth-century Italian or French pictures were discussed .
27 On April 4 the DP claimed that the strike had been a success , with strong support in several large enterprises , but observers assessed that even in the cities support for the strike had been patchy .
28 I slept in the suite named after the 13th Baron Willloughby who lived here in the 1770s .
29 However , while dispute in the Reich centred on the political control of Ernst Röhm 's brownshirt empire within an empire , in Danzig the affair had more to do with petty jealousies and spite , through which the hazy outline of some dispute about the future and direction of the Party was just discernible .
30 A major contribution to specific affinity in the system originates from the cooperative effect of two ( or more ) repressor dimers binding to adjacent sites , forming protein-protein contacts .
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