Example sentences of "in a [noun sg] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 The rats , in a panic on the first night , hit the barricade and swarmed everywhere , including some spots where they were definitely not welcome .
2 Looking around , Ashenden noted yet again the readily observable fact that ( doubtless like animals ) tourists from very early on staked out their territories : find them sitting at one particular table for dinner and almost invariably , for breakfast next morning , you would find them sitting at the very same table ; allocate them to particular seats in a coach on the first part of a journey , and as if by some proprietorial right the passengers would thereafter usually veer towards those selfsame seats .
3 A MAJOR step in the development of the game in the ranks of the Services took place at St Helens on Sunday , when , in a curtain-raiser to the first match of the New Zealand tour , an RAF team defeated an Army XIII by 22-14 .
4 After such strong expressions of opinion , I doubt much whether any judge sitting in a court of the first instance would be justified in treating the question as open .
5 But as this has very seldom , if at all , been the ground of the decision even in a court of the first instance , and certainly never been the ground of a decision in the Court of Exchequer Chamber , still less in this House , I did think it open in your Lordships ' House to reconsider this question .
6 This example could be read as ‘ light shineth ’ in a transcription of the first chapter of St John 's Gospel .
7 As Maxine Waters , the US congresswoman for South Central put it , in a sermon in the First American Methodist Episcopal Church last Sunday , ‘ People want to know why I 'm not saying exactly what they want me to say .
8 A second problem is that corporate profits are already depressed , having declined for three years in a row for the first time since the second world war .
9 Darley 's suspension could prove a major blow in his quest to ride 100 winners in a season for the first time his 16 year career .
10 It was not until 1836 that it became possible to measure the amount of sugar left in a wine after the first fermentation , when Professor Francois of Châlons-sur-Marne published his Nouvelles observations sur la fermentation de vin en bouteilles , suivies d'un procédé pour reconnaître la quantité de sucre contenu dans le vin immédiatement avant tirage .
11 In a review of the first edition of this book , Sara Mills took issue with me for pessimistically implying that linguistic reform is impossible ; she pointed out , and I think with some justice , that my analysis risks leaving women with no way to hit back when they are confronted with sexist language , at least until after the revolution .
12 To their credit the Springboks took a leaf out of the Wallaby book by holding their Friday training session before the test in a township for the first time ever .
13 Just look at the conventional memory er if I put an entry in a cell in the first block of this column .
14 MIKE Watkinson 's pick ‘ n mix deliveries brought him ten wickets in a match for the first time yesterday as Lancashire thrashed Warwickshire by an innings and 25 runs at Edgbaston .
15 They did it , very slowly and tenderly , and then drove on again ; and then Boy made him stop the second time , in a layby with the first lorry headlights going past , and the man took Boy 's cock in his mouth again , and masturbated Boy again so that he came a second time , and then they drove again .
16 An infection in a baby in the first few weeks of life can cause mental handicap , especially if the baby is premature .
17 If elderly people are persuaded to uproot themselves in a hurry at the first sign of trouble , making major decisions at a time when they are not emotionally stable enough to think them through , like selling their homes and moving away from old friends and familiar surroundings into the different world and routine of a younger household , they sometimes regret it , and much unhappiness ensues for everyone .
18 More trouble was to follow Hunt at the British Grand Prix at Brads when has was involved in a shunt at the first bend after Lauda and Clay Regazzoni ( Swi ) collided .
19 The preparations for The Human Angle , Dyson discovered , were going forward in a room on the first floor furnished with a sea-blue fitted carpet , a number of discreetly abstract paintings , and a walnut sideboard .
20 In a speech to the first extraordinary congress in its 69-year history of the ruling Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( MPRP ) , held in the capital Ulan Bator on April 10-13 , general-secretary Gombojavyn Ochirbat called on the estimated 926 delegates to acknowledge the party 's previous mistakes and the shortcomings of its leadership which , he stated , had been " crucial in plunging society into its present crisis " [ see pp. 37317-18 for details and consequences of March unrest ] .
21 If an agent decides to invest in an act for the first year of its career , this band may not sign a record deal .
22 Seeing him lying in an incubator for the first time was a uniquely distressing experience .
23 When you 're 15 and working in an office for the first time it is a new world and a big challenge — especially when all your colleagues are speaking a foreign language .
24 In 1975 , SAVE was involved in an inquiry into the first application to demolish .
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