Example sentences of "in a [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That 's that 's right , I mean I I I would suggest that we 've arrived at that point now , and we 're increasingly likely to do so , because as we 've already heard York is very constrained , it 's it 's it 's a relatively small , compact , historic city , the greenbelt boundaries are drawn fairly tightly , correctly in so in in my opinion , and there 's really not much room for manoeuvre within with er in a existing settlements within the greenbelt .
2 ‘ For the option , ’ Howard explained to Felicity , walking up and down the terrace , frowning seriously , with the setting sun flashing in a thousand windows of the city behind him , ‘ they 're paying … 30.000,00 .
3 Less than one in a thousand members of the population belongs to this class .
4 Osgood was the same age as JTR and it is a pity that JTR did not continue northward from Gairloch and possibly meet this incredible man whose life and family chronicled in A Hundred Years in the Highlands gives such detailed insight into the times .
5 Curl crazy style from Mac & Co with the hair pinned up in a small coils from the crown to the fringe
6 I was n't going to rush around buying horribly expensive things like smoke salmon that I could n't afford , I was going to do a big family feast and I was going to get in a few games like the monopoly or lotto or you know , I just , I have n't worked it out but I thought oh what fun
7 I can offer an account of what the minimum level to be attained at 16 by 80%-90% of pupils would entail in a few areas of the curriculum … ; in English , pupils would need to demonstrate that they are attentive listeners and confident speakers when dealing with everyday matters of which they have experience , that they can read straightforward written information and pass it on — orally and in written form — without loss of meaning and that they can say clearly what their own views are ; in Mathematics , that they can apply the topics and skills in the foundation list proposed in the Cockcroft Report ; in Science , that they are willing and able to take a practical approach to problems , involving sensible observations and appropriate measurements and can communicate their findings effectively … ; in History , that they possess some historical knowledge and perspective , understand the concepts of cause and consequence , and can compare and extract information from historical evidence and be aware of its limitations ; and in CDT [ craft , design and technology ] , that they can design and make something , using a limited range of materials and calling on a restricted range of concepts and give an account of what they have done and the problems they encountered .
8 But , put in a few pages at the end of chapters , they are rather an ‘ add-on ’ .
9 We should have that in a few minutes on the , the quotes side , Mark 's gon na bring them in to me .
10 Shivering , she brushed a few drops of rain from her face , glad when Rune returned in a few minutes in the promised taxi .
11 Sussex heathlands occur on the Lower Greensand in the west and north-west of the county , in the central area of the High Weald on the Hastings Beds , and in a few places on the Downs where there are superficial deposits of acidic soils .
12 In the meantime , archery had retained its appeal in a few places around the country , two of them being the neighbouring Ayrshire towns of Irvine and Kilwinning , in both of which contests were held annually .
13 This example is unusual in having the stem deliberately fired a bright coral red , also found within round the tondo-picture ; a rare technique , practised in a few workshops from the time of Exekias .
14 But the British Fascisti were in earnest , though doomed to extinction in a few years with the creation of Oswald Mosley 's New Party .
15 Because each species has a tendency to stay in a particular strata in the tall forest , they seldom compete for the same food .
16 It has been detected in a dozen systems in the US and yesterday the Swiss government announced that 75 of its computers were infected .
17 Since joining Cardiff , Walker has become an overnight success , scoring eight First Division tries in a dozen matches as the club have moved up from strugglers last season to table-toppers .
18 With its occupants pushed firmly back into their seats , the Turbo R thumped a hole in the air and lunged for the far horizon , covering the quarter-mile in a staggering 14.8secs on the way .
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