Example sentences of "in the [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 MI5 was particularly interested in the contacts made with the armed services , but the Security Service could find little sign of important influential support for Mosley in Parliament , even at the peak of the BUF growth in 1934 .
2 In The Waste Land the idea of a fertility cult in City or suburb is made to seem not irrelevant , but horribly absurd as in the scenes overheard in the pub or observed by Tiresias .
3 The language used in the authorities relating to the trustee is none too clear , but it indicates that the trustee has possession of chattels in the hands of the beneficiary , and not merely the right to possess them .
4 In certain circumstances the trust could also be enforced against third parties in possession of the trust property ; while in the event of insolvency of the trustee the trust beneficiary had a claim for the trust property itself , rather than a personal claim for a share in the debts recovered from the trustee .
5 From his local library he got photocopies of the maps of his district for 1811 , 1843 and 1871 ; he 'd sit there and try to work out how the changes in the maps related to the view at night ; where the darkness of rookeries , courts and tenements had been replaced with the darkness of lampless parks and public gardens .
6 He was recently banned from the directors ' room at Newcastle and has also been shifted from his seat in the directors box to the back of the stand .
7 The purchaser should reject at all costs any attempt by the vendor to disclose any other documents which are referred to in the documents presented with the disclosure letter .
8 In the documents relating to the purchase of works from the Hermitage , discussed between Colnaghi and Knoedler , no French rococo painting was singled out , only one Italian eighteenth-century painting was mentioned , and no seventeenth-century Italian or French pictures were discussed .
9 On April 4 the DP claimed that the strike had been a success , with strong support in several large enterprises , but observers assessed that even in the cities support for the strike had been patchy .
10 % mand molar loss : numbers of empty alveolar spaces in the mandibles compared with the numbers of teeth that should be present , which is given by empty alveolar spaces plus molars still present .
11 The Citation Index lists all the previously published items cited in the articles listed in the Source Index .
12 The writer of an admirable article on research in the humanities published in the TLS in 1987 wrote , ‘ I believe passionately in the value of those activities we call ‘ the Humanities ' ’ , yet when I see a compilation like the British Library 's Current Research in Britain ( 1986 ) : The Humanities …
13 Our interest , however , lies in the principles employed by the pupils themselves to fit the actions they describe into a meaningful framework .
14 When asked for the authority upon which the second of these propositions was based , he replied that it was to be found in section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , and in the principles stated by the majority of the House of Lords in Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 .
15 The rhythm set up by their labour is pursued in the waving branches of the trees framing the scene and in the patterns created within the landscape .
16 However , Braque was sufficiently unsettled by the example of Picasso to turn his studies of Cézanne to increasingly revolutionary ends , and in the canvases executed during the summer of 1908 at l'Estaque , Braque produced a series of completely original works , the first group of truly Cubist paintings .
17 What we also notice in the chapters dealing with the Fall , and in particular with Adam and Eve , is that this is not just a book by a scholar in a library .
18 The various modifications which these organs undergo are of considerable taxonomic importance and are dealt with in the chapters devoted to the different orders of insects .
19 These individuals , known as locals , are vital for the liquidity of the markets in the contracts traded in the pits .
20 In the schedules issued by the Catering Wages Councils to employers in the trade the following terms describe the areas :
21 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
22 This storage of glycogen in the muscles adds to the overall size of the muscles .
23 As the Prayer Book enjoined in the Notes appended to the Communion Service , ‘ every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year , of which Easter to be one ’ .
24 I told you I saw her in the mornings standing at the bus stop .
25 He allowed his eyes to review the column of chrysanthemum seedlings in the pots arranged beside the small greenhouse .
26 ‘ But it yields a lot of bogeys and the pressure of playing in the Masters adds to the notoriety . ’
27 Whatever the process , it could well be that the crustal shortening in the continents produced by the early phases of the Hercynian orogeny , with its resultant lowering of sea-levels , produced the widespread regression of late Carboniferous times , when coal measure swamps spread from Texas to the Donetz .
28 The initial selection choice will thus influence any skew or bias in the journals contained in the database .
29 In the square the flower-sellers had lit the naphtha flares in the buckets set along the cobblestones .
30 The only other two entries in the accounts relate to the collection of taxes and tax-related grants of 50m and net expenditure ( before repayments of principal and interest ) of 52m .
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