Example sentences of "in the [adj] [noun] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , just as in the case of short-run macro-policy we consider offsetting changes which keep the level of aggregate demand unchanged , so in the long-run growth context we may want to compare situations where the aggregate capital-labour ratio is unchanged .
2 In the modern material age it is hard to comprehend someone regularly and readily giving up such a vast sum to pursue expensive , unpaid projects , but for Barney it 's important .
3 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
4 We have realised these in our budgets by a reduced turnover , but on a more positive note we have also planned a slight increase in our capital replacement spend to retain the capabilities of our fleet of plant and vehicles to be able to take account of any upturn in the overall UK market which could well show through towards the end of the year .
5 Separate entrances for boys and girls were located in the small north wing which forms the leg of the ‘ T ’ ( Plate 34 ) .
6 The two men were in the small back parlour which George Wood kept for discreet purposes , ‘ and although it is … ’
7 Forests conjure up images of Robin Hood and here in the Great North version there are quarries , the odd colliery and open countryside .
8 Underground lay huge mineral resources and abundant supplies of energy in the great coal belt which runs across the northern hemisphere and is richest and most accessible in Europe .
9 So saying , Rocky called in the four man crew who helped the driver of the other rig to raise his ramp and close the doors .
10 It was the most mature of his symphonies so far , and it shows how quickly he could assimilate aspects of national style , such as in the brilliant arpeggio passage which opens it — the famous ‘ premier coup d'archet ’ ( opening bow stroke ) of which the French were particularly proud .
11 She would n't put it past him but in the brilliant afternoon heat she was n't inclined to pursue the matter .
12 Other tiles in the Fired Earth range which will create a similar effect include Antique Reclaimed Terracotta , Florentine , Byzantine , Honey , and Red Terracotta
13 In the Soviet manufacturing sector it costs 0.7 million roubles in capital investment to increase production capacity by one million roubles , but it costs four million roubles to achieve the same result in the extractive sector .
14 The Iagifu-Hedina oilfield in the Southern Highlands Province which was being developed by a consortium dominated by Chevron and BP was on target to begin production by 1993 .
15 In the flat plate system there are two contacts , positive and negative .
16 The fact remains , however , that in the young adult novel we have a useful example of reading contributing to development : easily read , unpompous , and unauthoritarian , these books provide reassurance and role-models of the right kind .
17 As a strategy in the general learning situation it can be particularly damaging , and this is also true of language learning .
18 In any case , in the harsher bathroom light I can see that I 've put it on too thickly .
19 So , if waving goodbye to those treasured old shoes is too much , or if you 're biding your time to see what 's hot in the annual shoe guide which will appear in next month 's RUNNING magazine , just think cobblers .
20 In the increasing access climate your Forbidden Arans article in the February issue further demonstrates the need for a concerted and unified stance from all those who value the open moors countryside and mountain areas in Britain .
21 In the early morning light he could see that she wore a black cape over a dark red dress .
22 Even when private landownership spread in the latter Tokugawa era it did so under this premise .
23 An undertaking may be in a dominant position if in the relevant product market it is in a position where , as a result of its economic strength , it is able to hinder effective competition by behaving to an appreciable extent independently of its competitors without taking into account customer and consumer demands .
24 She 'd seen enough from the taxi to tell that every house , cottage , shop and inn was simply full of character , each different but still in the traditional Cotswold style she was beginning to recognise .
25 He stood aside to admit her ; in the tiny entrance hall he helped her off with her coat without touching her .
26 McGregor ( 1986 ) , for example , reports that in the upper Yallahs basin there is extensive sheetwash erosion , slope failures and extensive gullying .
27 In the deductive marking experiment there was not a conflict of beliefs , so the five-year-olds ' performance might have been due to the fact that the context did not highlight the need for a deductive explanation .
28 The Act , while improving the security of the farm worker did not , therefore , remove the key element in the tied cottage system which perpetuates his dependency — the fact that his employer is also his landlord .
29 Haggard recounted the power of Cook 's name in the only travel book he wrote .
30 They will initially interpret a rise in the demand for and price of their product as a rise in its relative price and as implying a fall in the real wage rate they must pay measured in terms of their product .
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