Example sentences of "in which [pers pn] be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 IT Division is organising the 1991 JFIT Conference at UMIST on the 9th–11th July with the primary aim of discussing objectives of the JFIT programmes and they way in which they are meeting the requirements of users .
2 The theme of the 1991 JFIT Conference is ‘ steering research towards user requirements ’ and the main aim of the Conference will be to discuss the objectives of the programmes funded under JFIT and assess the ways in which they are meeting the requirements of the users .
3 The Secretary of State may , having regard to section 2 of this Act , give directions to the Group as to the manner in which they are to implement the disposal programme generally or in any case specified in the directions .
4 So people have been forced to look at the way in which they are doing the work in er conjunction with er the manual for whatever other book of rules they have I wished they 'd do they carry out their work .
5 High and low angles are often used as point-of-view shots in which we are seeing the scenes through the eyes of one of the characters .
6 Later that day , 15 Oct , at The Questors Theatre in Ealing , he will be the guest of honour at a fund-raising event for the Questors in which we are promised the opportunity to ‘ find out what makes a critic , what are his prejudices and his preferences , and what are his fears and hopes for British ( and world ) theatre . ’
7 So all I 'm saying is , if we 're not achieving that we need to go back and look at the way in which we 're operating the fax service , have a chat with erm Phil 's people or Jackie 's peo see if there 's any differences that we can take advantage of .
8 Blaise Cendrars witnessed a fight in which she was getting the better of Modigliani .
9 One friend has explained how , in a conversation in which she was lamenting the cost of electricity , Eliot asked her in a confidential manner , " Are you on the domestic tariff ? "
10 And that was when her conscience , which because she 'd got something else to think about had stayed quiet , suddenly started to get to her about the way in which she was deceiving the man she loved .
11 Good balance is the effective control over your centre of gravity , relative to the direction in which you are delivering the ball .
12 Is not the difficulty in which you are placed the fact that there are now only four Government Back-Bench Members representing Scotland , and 63 of different parties on the Opposition side of the House ?
13 His is the name that will sell The Miser , the Moliere comedy in which he 's travelling the country .
14 The difference between the rhetorical and social representational approaches can be illustrated by considering a quotation from Moscovici ( 1984 ) , in which he is discussing the social nature of social representations : ‘ The word ‘ social ’ was meant to indicate that representations are the outcome of an unceasing babble and a permanent dialogue between individuals , a dialogue that is both internal and external , during which representations are echoed or complemented ’ ( Moscovici , 1984 : 950 ) .
15 He strongly opposed the orthodox post-colonial constitution proposed by the British government , in which he was assigned the role of constitutional monarch presiding over a Westminster-style parliament .
16 The first of these , Sea Change , was awarded the Carnegie Medal in 1948 and in an interview the author explained the way in which he was using the adventure-story genre :
17 If he demanded that an artist was dropped , the artist was dropped , nationwide — until a Texan broadcaster , John Henry Faulk , who was blacklisted by AWARE , brought and won a libel action in which he was awarded the record sum of $3,500,000 after a six-year struggle .
18 Was he able to discuss with President Yeltsin the problems of the old Soviet bureaucracy in Russia and the way in which it is inhibiting the ability of the people of Russia to receive the aid that they deserve ?
19 Well that is the first area er in which it is alleged the breach of duty on the part of the defendant .
20 It only works in the direction in which it 's throwing the ions .
21 During a debate held on Jan. 22 members of the Legislative Council ( Legco ) attacked the United Kingdom government for the manner in which it was handling the replacement of the colony 's Governor , Sir David Wilson .
22 And in the big cities — to go from the relatively sensitive and ‘ socially conscious ’ reports of the District Leader of Augsburg-Stadt — the old attacks on the parasitic existence of Party functionaries gained new strength in wartime conditions ; the extravagance of Party buildings was set alongside the slums in which it was said the great mass of the population still had to live ; and ‘ especially unfavourable note is taken of the feudal life and dwelling of leaders of Party and State ’ .
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