Example sentences of "in which [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 East Germany was the first country in which fears over the state of the environment played a leading part in the overthrow of a system of government .
2 A confident style in which echoes from the past meet strong modern liens .
3 Fish likewise require as much sunlight as possible if they are to retain their brilliant colours and make satisfactory growth , although they do appreciate a shady corner in which to glide during the heat of a summer 's day .
4 In the second chapter of his work , Simmel traces the manner in which coinage as the medium used for money gradually loses any intrinsic value , and becomes exclusively a symbol for all other relationships .
5 The other ‘ road ’ had been developed when in Avon Finance v Bridger [ 1985 ] 2 A11 ER 281 the court envisaged the extension of the protection previously given to wives to elderly parents , and in the present case Scott LJ saw no reason why the ‘ protection ’ should not extend to all cases where the relationship between the surety and debtor was one in which influence by the debtor over the surety and reliance by the surety on the debtor were natural and probable .
6 And they would , I think , conclude that , if a protected class is to continue to be recognised , the class ought , logically , to include all cases in which the relationship between the surety and the debtor is one in which influence by the debtor over the surety and reliance by the surety on the debtor are natural and probable features of the relationship .
7 Clearly , the hon. and learned Member for Montgomery and the hon. Member for Swansea , East ( Mr. Anderson ) take an entirely different view which I do not believe would be an effective way in which to deal with the problem .
8 Secondly , the Home Secretary and his colleagues have found a way in which to deal with the problem swiftly and , I believe , to remove the uppermost element .
9 My very ordinary London flat costs about half as much again as my flat in Glasgow , which is an infinitely superior building in which to live in every respect .
10 There are genuine ways in which tests against the history of physics can support or discredit Lakatos 's methodology .
11 When we are considering the impact of urbanization , we focus upon the way in which changes in the family and economy are affected by physical distance and spatial separation , the increasing need to travel to work , and perhaps the substitution of primary social relationships in a relatively stable territorially-based community such as a village by more secondary , more impersonal and fluctuating social relationships — which may , under certain circumstances , cause the members of the nuclear family to become more dependent upon each other .
12 If we examine these statistics critically and the social and economic context in which changes in the age structure of Britain are likely to occur in the future , we can dispel much of that gloom .
13 Kangaroo rats and spring-hares use their holes , as the tortoise does , to shelter from the heat ; hyaenas and wolves as nurseries ; badgers and armadillos as dormitories in which to slumber during the day after foraging at night ; and mice and rabbits as sanctuaries where they are beyond the reach of most of their enemies .
14 It is a tough world in which to survive at the moment .
15 The expression in which appears without the article is , " Maccabee and his followers " , which has no parallel in the other nineteen cases in which is preceded by the article .
16 There she wept for her sins and her tears washed away the blood ; The form in which this sermon harnesses the pressure of fear as well as the promise of comfort , provides a recognisable cultural context for the form of Margery Kempe 's initial vision of salvation and witnesses to the high esteem in which tears as a sign of spiritual grace were held in the fifteenth century .
17 After recycling , we must find the safest way in which to dispose of the waste .
18 The directors have a reasonable time in which to come to a decision , but since section 183(5) of the Act imposes an obligation on them to give to the transferee notice of rejection within two months of the lodging of the transfer , the maximum reasonable period is two months .
19 The section of the interview dealing with housework standards and routines was one in which references to the mother were very frequent .
20 Rats that had been pre-exposed to a tone were trained on a task in which presses on a lever in the presence of the tone yielded reward but responses in the absence of the tone did not .
21 What neuropsychologists are trying to do is to come to some understanding of the way in which damage to the brain impairs abilities such as memory , perception and the use of language .
22 The Pátio is an interesting oasis in which to rest from the hustle and bustle of Funchal .
23 A good headhunter potentially has significant awareness of how other companies have solved this problem , and knowledge about the market place in which to look for an individual .
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