Example sentences of "to those who [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But if there is no such ratification , the agent will be liable to those who contract on the faith of the authority which he professes to have .
2 The immediate difficulty with an ideological definition is that it can deflect attention from writers of the working class to those who write about the working class , a tendency which is prominent in Ashraf 's own study .
3 Go into the s transept with its rose window of the Last Judgement by Max Švabinský , 1935–8 , the Emblem of Prague City in metalwork by Karel Štipl , 1946 , a statue of Christ by Čeněk Vosmík , a fine memorial of 1921 dedicated to those who fell in the Great War by K. Pokorný , and the statue of St Wenceslas by Karel Dvořák , 1922 .
4 Henry VII , despite his notorious parsimony , gave rewards to those who went to the new lands , and voyages continued , at least sporadically , until the end of his reign .
5 What happens to those who step outside the predictable patterns and regularities ?
6 Will the Secretary of State take it from me that the people of Northern Ireland will appreciate his expressions of sympathy and those of the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow ( Dr. Godman ) , directed to those who suffered in the terrible massacre that took place last night and to the relatives of the person who was murdered this morning ?
7 ON GUARD : a soldier on patrol at Musgrave Park Hospital , Belfast , passes floral tributes to those who died in the IRA bombing
8 On Good Friday there was great merrymaking , when as many as 200,000 buns were sold to those who came to the Easter Fair and its various side shows .
9 Pressure is now building in Whitehall to cut the payments to those who stay on the list .
10 It only applies in specified courts , for specified proceedings , and to those who fall within the financial conditions and have reasonable grounds for taking , defending or being party to an action .
11 To those who harmonize with the meagre resources of tonic , dominant , and subdominant in root positions only , I would recommend abstinence from the use of these chords for a while , and concentration on the other part of the vast diatonic field which is actually available .
12 The separate phases of education and training should be made visible to those who contribute to the process — teachers , employers , trainers and funders .
13 Carrie said , ‘ Mr Evans says no harm can ever come to those who trust in the Lord . ’
14 People of all ages from small children to those who lived through the campaign came to the city for a week to remember .
15 The spectre of comprehensive schools nevertheless remained an alarming one , and not least to those who taught in the secure and effective world of grammar schools .
16 I have always believed — I make no apology for it — that any system of financing local government must contain a way of making the local authorities more accountable to those who live within the local area .
17 They were ‘ now missioners to those who stand outside the pale of Church and Chapel .
18 So it should be governed by the same economic laws of supply and demand ’ — whilst in one sense salutary , may strike a chilling note to those who believe in the public library 's responsibilities for satisfying minority tastes .
19 This comes inevitably to those who belong to the Kingdom precisely because it is ‘ not of this world ’ and presents such a challenge which arouses hostility .
20 In the context of a demonstration or industrial dispute , participants may well shout slogans which are abusive and are likely to cause distress to those who disagreed with the cause in question .
21 This disingenuous acceptance of the status quo , pregnant with career opportunities , is basic to those who feed on the effects of social problems rather than engage in the struggle to deal with causes .
22 They believe that to those who work within the official theory of school they are non-persons .
23 This is in the hope that they will become clearer to those who work within the industry , and that they may be recognized as a distinct discipline by academic and practising lawyers alike .
24 This has traditionally given lower role status to those who work in the field , but has also made their language learning goal an educational and care one .
25 I parked Armstrong in Golden Square , which is known as On Golden Pond to those who work in the posh offices there , and cut through Brewer Street .
26 This becomes clear especially to those who disagree with the content of the nurture .
27 Professional safeguards apply to those who appear for the prosecution and the defence .
28 Last night as the clean-up of properties got under way in Cardigan , community leaders paid tribute to those who helped in the rescue operation , particularly at a nearby caravan park .
29 Our best wishes go to those who retired from the Board during the year and we would like to thank all those who serve so tirelessly on our committees for their advice and guidance .
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