Example sentences of "to be [art] first [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 When the Eighth Army turned and stood for what was to be the first battle of Alamein , a tiny force consisting of the 11th Field Regiment and a part of the Essex Regiment was rushed to the Ruweisat Ridge with orders to plug the vital gap between the South African positions on the coast and the New Zealanders on the edge of the Quattara Depression .
2 In what is believed to be the first development of its kind , a new hospital under construction in north-eastern England is being fitted with a range of energy-saving features which may reduce annual energy bills by as much as 60 per cent .
3 Carriers are expected to be the first users of the interface since it will significantly reduce the cost of building a new Frame Relay network or of extending an existing Frame Relay network .
4 The case is thought to be the first test of the obligation under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to provide new land of " equal advantage " where public open space is lost through a compulsory purchase .
5 We do not wish to be the first case of this kind to go before the Special Commissioners .
6 In what is believed to be the first case of its kind in Scotland , the teenager alleges that after more than a year of taunting and physical attack she could not continue and left the Royal High School .
7 It was intended to be the first part of a lengthy tramway to Sutton and beyond .
8 Combining the new technique with the scientific system of the Roman law , Gratian and his school were able to provide the Church with what came to be the first part of its corpus of official law .
9 In seminars held there last Thursday and Friday two groups of scientists announced what may turn out to be the first evidence of CERN 's greatest discovery yet , a particle known simply by the letter W. If proven the discovery will vindicate all those who pushed for the means to make it possible .
10 Even in 1839 , an estimated 50,000 had watched what is believed to be the first running of the race Aintree .
11 Students were matched to schools by subject and timetable availability , and each school nominated a ‘ Link Teacher ’ to be the first point of contact for the student when on school premises .
12 It does not , of course , have to be the first stage of the drama work .
13 It 's been funded by people from the town and is thought to be the first project of its kind .
14 His aim is to be the first President of Corea and since he is 72 and has few more years left in which to realise his ambition he will use any means to hand including , if time presses , the blood of his deluded followers .
15 This seems to be the first manifestation of invasive disease referred to the reference unit by a laboratory in the UK .
16 There is ample evidence that those ties remain strong even as the character of networks changes in other ways and thus these basic family links continue to be the first line of defence , the more so because other forms of association may weaken .
17 It is a house which has given rise to much aesthetic conjecture , and for a long time it was deemed to be the first seed of the modern movement in England , for it did not appear to be built in any revival style , but in a fresh new one .
18 Like the piece by ‘ Eckard ’ on p.88 , the one on p.96 is attributed to a known composer Wagenseil but absent from the standard catalogue of his works ; this , too , seems to be the first movement of a two-movement sonata .
19 Never was a labour more arduous , and it was without his former youthful enthusiasm that Picasso began on a great canvas that was to be the first result of his researches . ’
20 The long struggle of the provinces against the most powerful ruler in Europe has perhaps the best claim to be the first war of national liberation .
21 Campus Construction , believed to be the first journal of its type for students of construction , is being published by the Institute 's Commercial Directorate and will initially appear three times a year .
22 R. W. Gibson and J. A. Pickett of Rothamsted Experimental Station in Harpenden believe their discovery to be the first example of a food crop plant using insect pheromones in this way , and suggest that this mode of protection could be introduced to cultivated species ( Nature .
23 They tend to be the first victims of clean-sweep company shake-ups and takeovers .
24 All three of you are going to be the first victims of the Kershaw Worm . ’
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