Example sentences of "to be [verb] by the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He did so successfully in 1948 , outpointing Vince Hawkins at Birmingham and thus becoming the first black champion to be recognized by the BBBC .
2 UK Property Unit Trusts are ‘ unauthorised ’ in that they do not have to be authorised by the DTI because of the fact that they do not deal with the general public ( major investors being pension funds and charities ) .
3 The stage was set for the establishment of thirteen ‘ centres of excellence ’ for the development of full-time surveying — thanks , principally to the foresight and energy of HMI Howard Wainwright — and for the first time a sense of security and confidence was available to the selected centres , as they were encouraged to improve their resources base and to develop exempting RICS diplomas , and subsequently degrees , to be validated by the CNAA .
4 As originally conceived in the White Paper , the main characteristics of the polytechnics were that they were to be large , comprehensive , have an applied philosophy , be primarily teaching institutions with a brief to develop courses in new areas , and their courses were to be validated by the CNAA .
5 It is this fact , that needs to be recognised by the California Regulators so that hybrids can be encouraged rather than penalised to give more zero emission miles of total use than would be the case with a battery-only car produced in lower volumes .
6 THE latest steam locomotive to receive attention from the Midland Railway Centre 's Locomotive Restoration Workshops is 73129 , which was one of the last engines to be constructed by the Derby Locomotive Works in 1956 .
7 The claims procedure is very complicated , but once eligibility has been established , the employer is entitled to be reimbursed by the DHSS .
8 WHEN Fattorini & Sons , of Birmingham , were commissioned to fashion a trophy for a new competition to be run by the Essex Football Association in 1882 they really went to town .
9 It is to be run by the UK Atomic Energy Authority at the request of the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate , the government 's safety watchdog .
10 The hotel which was to be run by The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company , will be called the London Wilshire .
11 The vessel , built by local youngsters with the help of public subscriptions , continues to be run by the Fairbridge Drake charity , but it is now sponsored by Scottish Nuclear Fuels and berthed on the Clyde .
12 It was utilised to explore the characteristics of the information objects to be covered by the IPS , eg determining the form of the information to suit the users ’ needs , and assessing whether or not the objects that then existed were adequate .
13 London demonstrations are routinely monitored by sixty cameras placed at symbolic locations , enabling an area of 200 square miles to be covered by the Scotland Yard operations room .
14 However , you should find it helpful in identifying the issues which still need to be covered by the Powys Structure Plan Policy .
15 Whether these past difficulties should debar him from the presidency was , he said , an issue to be decided by the US people : " We 're putting this in your hands , you get to decide . "
16 The stores are then allocated a minimum number of each title , according to their size and market , with the larger stores taking an amount over and above that , to be decided by the Penguin representatives and the stores ' buyers .
17 I now call motion two five eight , Cancer screening to be moved by the Liverpool region .
18 Colleagues , we 've now got two motions on the T U C , motion three eight eight , T U C Conference to be moved by the London region .
19 I now call the mover of motion three six nine , standing charges to be moved by the Lancashire region and if there is a seconder , if he or she could come down .
20 Thanks very much , I now call motion three nine seven , the Labour Party , to be moved by the Lancashire region .
21 Rule thirty seven on branches , er motion seventy seven , rule amendment to be moved by the Midland and East Coast region .
22 Such adjustments had in most cases to be sanctioned by the IMF .
23 This view would seem to be supported by the Sunday census of March 1851 , when it was found that in London only 37% of the inhabitants attended any form of divine service , whilst in eight other cities with populations in excess of 100,000 the figure was only 42% .
24 I 'll go straight into er item two A I think the first thing the County Council would would wish to say this erm examination is that er today we are really seeing the culmination of I suspect er ten year work erm in Greater York by the Greater York authority and a particularly intensive period of work over the last five years , er by the Greater York authorities , the paper that I put round N Y five the matter two A really addresses the history and why we reached the conclusions corporately that we have and as all as we 've already indicated erm progress was able to be made when the Secretary of State included a Greater York er dimension erm into the er into the structure plan in a the first alteration , erm and that enabled a body of work to be undertaken by the Greater York authority , and I think I ought to say at this point that the Greater York authority comprises of the County Council er and five District Councils , and there you have six different councils , all with an interest in the future of Greater York , sitting down together , trying to sort out the way in which the future of Greater York erm ought ought to be developed , and the means they did it did that of course was through the Greater York study , which began in nineteen eighty eight and started off immediately with a study of forty , fifty development , potential development sites , erm in and around er er Greater York which produced a report , as I said in on page three of the of N Y five , around about April nineteen eighty nine , the conclusions of which were quite clearly unacceptable to erm members of the Greater York authority , because they saw quite clearly , and they were supported by the public in this , that to continue peripheral development , which had been the pattern of development in the Greater York area , erm certainly through the sixties and seventies er was unacceptable in terms of its impact on settlements , and particularly er its impact erm on erm erm the York greenbelt which still at that stage erm had yet to be made statutory , and that was again one of the main stimuli to making progress , the need to s formally define er the York greenbelt .
25 The young Irish nurse was happy too to be employed by the Bradleys , for the baby 's mother was kind and considerate and her husband posed no threat .
26 Orange juice is to be pitched as a sportsman 's drink in a new marketing strategy to be adopted by the Florida Citrus Commission .
27 The draft directive is expected to be adopted by the EEC council of ministers by the end of the year .
28 The Bulgarian Social Democrat Party ( BSDP ) had originally called itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party , but redesignated itself as the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party ( non-Marxist ) , at its first national conference held on March 31 in Sofia , thereby ceding the BSP name to be adopted by the BCP [ see p. 37380 ] .
29 Pavlov ( 1927 ) expressed the view that the OR evoked by a novel stimulus constituted an ‘ obstacle ’ to conditioning ; and indeed , if conditioning is seen as a process in which the OR comes to be replaced by the CR , it might be expected that pre-exposure to the CS would facilitate this process .
30 In an attempt to make the RUC more acceptable to the minority , its leadership structure was radically altered , outsiders were brought in to train and lead it , and the B Special Constabulary was disbanded to be replaced by the Ulster Defence Regiment under army command .
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