Example sentences of "to be [verb] with the [det] " in BNC.

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1 They do not seem to be burdened with the same difficulties as the private profession , presumably partly because of the different image of the agency involved and the different expectations of the client involved .
2 Those authorities continued to be faced with the same issues of escalating costs and deteriorating quality of service within the institutions .
3 The written word always has a special sanctity and more so if it is from a contemporary source , but it needs to be examined with the same ruthless and objective scrutiny as given to the archaeological evidence .
4 Since both were deemed to be elected with the same quota of 8,585 votes reality was replaced by fiction .
5 In these circumstances an election campaign was to be waged with the same zeal which would otherwise be reserved for a parliamentary election .
6 a In Gardynik , it was held , dismissing an appeal by the defendant , that sexual assault was not to be equated with the former offence of indecent assault , with its highly subjective moral overtones .
7 The Securities and Investments Board 's Retail review Committee recommended in 1990 that investment trust savings schemes should be allowed to be advertised with the same degree of freedom as unit trusts .
8 Pound here anticipates , and paints in a blacker hue , Edmund Wilson 's recognition that Eliot is ‘ a poet of the American Puritan temperament ’ , and Pound claims to be tarred with the same brush himself .
9 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the rulebook for a full description ) .
10 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
11 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
12 Unless one of the steps in the review machinery is the service of a counternotice by the person upon whom the review notice is served , it is better not to stipulate for a particular form of notice because the fewer the requirements that have to be complied with the less scope there is for litigation .
13 The most fundamental of these is for the field to be divided into quadrants by a central cross , and for each of these segments to be decorated with the same design .
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