Example sentences of "to be [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Though we must be careful not to attempt to deny the responsibility which ultimately lies with ourselves , it has to be said that certain employers have done much to encourage these sorts of trends .
2 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
3 It has to be said that many parents themselves share this view .
4 That may , in some respects , be healthy but it also has to be said that those reticences marked a division between private and public spheres which may have made compromise possible .
5 Whilst owing his debt to Lorca , it has to be said that this volume is markedly conservative .
6 However , it has to be said that local authorities on the whole frown on totting and many ban it outright so caution is advised .
7 It used to be said that any salmon running up the Dee made a one-way journey .
8 It has to be said that some species are notoriously difficult to acclimatise to aquarium life when collected from the wild , but once the acclimatisation process is complete they will usually become resilient and even robust .
9 It has also to be recognized that all owners may need to make alterations and improvements to their property from time to time .
10 It has to be recognised that syllabic consonants are a problem — they are phonologically different from their non-syllabic counterparts .
11 Nevertheless , it has to be recognised that several interests may feel threatened by an advertising ban .
12 It has , however , to be recognised that improved safety and greater mobility and accessibility can be conflicting goals ( see opposite ) .
13 You , you 've got to be using that same towels , you know , that sort of thing .
14 This mode of study was too time-consuming to be suited to the part-time student and it had to be assumed that these benefits would be provided by the employer and the real-life work situation .
15 It is to be hoped that all steam enthusiasts will perhaps make an effort to support this railway at some time during the present season to help to ensure that it remains in being into the future .
16 It was to be hoped that capitalist progress would eventually bring the labourers nearer to this maximum , and regrettable ( though not inconvenient for keeping wages down ) that so many were still so far below it .
17 This has seriously weakened the therapeutic and remedial potential of supervision orders and it is to be hoped that greater priority will be given to this area in the next few years .
18 It is to be hoped that recent changes within the SDA ( notably its drift towards self-help , business-orientated projects ) will not allow it to lose sight of wider goals in Scotland , where extensive areas of economic decline and outright poverty can still be identified .
19 It is to be hoped that future titles will move on from here and handle some of the visionary , imaginative and fantastic possibilities of fiction also .
20 But this is the penalty all pioneers must suffer , for we all operate within the narrow confines of the knowledge and attitudes of our day , and before condemning us entirely , it is to be hoped that future students will appreciate that their own work would be that much more difficult , but for the solid foundations so meticulously laid down by John Pearson Gillam .
21 It is to be hoped that future research into the nature of language processing will continue to relate findings about the performance of both skilled and impaired language users on the wide range of tasks which go together to make up out ability to acquire and use language — for it is only by attempting to do so that it will ultimately be possible for psychologists to develop a comprehensive model of language processing .
22 It is always to be hoped that this charism will be active in popes and bishops , but it is not , nor can it be , reduced solely to their authority .
23 It is to be hoped that some day this fruitful field will be explored and the results given to us in English .
24 It is to be hoped that some day this fruitful field will be explored and the results given to us in English .
25 It is greatly to be hoped that some version of the censorship hypothesis holds because close to naked singularities it may be possible to travel into the past .
26 Some failures are due to ischaemia , sepsis , and fistulas in the arly period after operation and it is to be hoped that these complications will become less with further experience .
27 It is to be hoped that later publications in this new series will be fuller , with more detailed commentary .
28 It is to be hoped that most members of the Society of Freelance Editors and Proofreaders are aware of this fact .
29 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
30 The runs have captured the imagination of the enthusiasts and it is to be hoped that British Rail will allow these trains to run in 1992 .
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