Example sentences of "to be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This tale of parallel realities claims to be based on quantum theory , and is dressed up with suitable jargon .
2 For the first year after transfer full excess fares less any increase in office allowance will be paid by the company , costs to be based on season ticket rates where appropriate .
3 It used to be said in World War Two that careless talk cost lives .
4 His ‘ guys ’ in Lebanon , the Asmar network , were not to be risked on routine intelligence for the DEA , and Coleman had no other contacts there that he cared to expose to the Syrian-backed heroin cartel in the Bekaa Valley .
5 Suppose he were to marry only to be faced with mutton broth ?
6 After everything had been checked Diana ordered the contents to be transferred to plastic dustbin liners .
7 Whether one tries to illustrate subsidiarity by an upturned pyramid or a spiked helmet is irrelevant : Sir Christopher 's definition makes it clear that , far from being a guarantee for decentralisation , ‘ subsidiarity ’ is a blank cheque for more and more power to be transferred to Community level , just as the principle 's enshrinement in the German constitution has led to massive centralisation of power and expenditure in that country .
8 Later this month ( June ) the test is to be extended to South East England .
9 Kaleida will initially be housed at Apple 's headquarters , but there are plans for it to be relocated to Silicon Valley later in the year .
10 Gutter sealant may need to be applied to metal guttering , and plastic guttering may need the replacement of perished foam gaskets
11 So much yeast is produced during fermentation that large amounts are sold to companies such as Marmite to be turned into yeast extract .
12 Vanessa Weaver is the fourth person this year to be killed during horse eventing .
13 But times , morals and attitudes had changed radically since 1922 ( the Indianapolis Star also got the year wrong ) when Wally Reid , the ‘ King of Paramount ’ , was placed in a sanatorium to be treated for drug abuse .
14 The income which in fact is the income of B is to be treated for income tax purposes as the income of A. The purpose is notionally to transfer B's income to A , so that A may be charged to tax on the aggregate of his own and B's income .
15 One hundred and one patients were randomised into two groups : patients to be treated by heater probe ( n=50 ) .
16 What is surprising is the extent to which it seems continually to be ignored by business information providers . )
17 According to European manager Rick Mellinger , ImageFlow is n't tightly-coupled to an application : instead , the client-server-based software links up to any application via an Application Programming Interface , enabling workflow processing to be separated from application processing .
18 But if the two ca n't agree over planning permission , the peace of wildlife here is unlikely to be disturbed by development work in the near future .
19 This was not the most logical of arguments , it would seem , if only because the Hudson recommendations were concerned with craft courses , while TEC and BEC , the latter of which in any case was only likely to be peripherally involved , were supposed to be operating at technician level .
20 Facets tend to be cut by sand abrasion at right angles to the wind , the facets being curved as on this microscale wind abrasion increases upwards .
21 The package was to be incorporated within a supplementary budget due to be presented for Diet approval prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year on April 1 .
22 If the firm is approved as a listed money market institution by the Bank of England under the exemption in s 43 of the FSA , it will be exempted from the need to be authorised for money market activities to which s 43 and Sched 5 apply .
23 In addition , even if it does not have a UK office , a non-UK firm nonetheless needs to be authorised for investment business carried on from a non-UK office with customers or counterparties in the UK on a services basis unless the FSA 's overseas person exemption applies ; this indeed also applies to UK firms ( see page 43 below ) .
24 It could , for example , refuse to hand a child back to a drunk parent but the child 's continued detention against parental wishes would have to be authorised by court order as soon as possible .
25 That January in 1941 the plans were entirely personal , however , because Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott had difficulty persuading the Force Commanders that there was anything to be gained from beach reconnaissance .
26 Not much is to be gained by unison doubling except in passages where the G string is in use .
27 Several sessions were to be led by hospital nursing and other professional staff who had done little or no formal teaching before but who showed an interest in the project .
28 They wanted them to be recognised as concert orchestra instruments , and disapproved highly of their Tri-Plates occasionally getting into the hands of rough-and-ready blues musicians .
29 STAFF at Liverpool 's Victims of Violence charity home are to be balloted over strike action in support of a sacked colleague .
30 Historically , one of the earliest frequency-locking phenomena to be studied in laser physics was the locking of three or more longitudinal modes .
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