Example sentences of "to be taken [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , resumption of cohabitation for any period up to six months is not in itself to be taken to condone the behaviour of the spouse which gives rise to the ground for divorce .
2 Where that has happened an order may be made under section 61(1) directing steps to be taken to remedy the contravention .
3 It generates a lot of heat , so care needs to be taken positioning the fitting .
4 On the other hand , care has to be taken to prevent the scope of applications being limited , as users can not be expected to know all the possibilities that computers offer .
5 Care has to be taken to keep the speed below 50 knots , which is flap limiting .
6 Precautions have to be taken to avoid the possibility of excessively long search times or of failure to retrieve records held in a direct file .
7 He was very clear in his mind , however , about what steps needed to be taken to make the company fit for the private sector .
8 As a result of more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution , new measures had to be taken to ensure the safety of the company 's employees and also of the surrounding environment .
9 However , some action had to be taken to bring the Scheme into line with the Court 's decision .
10 The order may give directions on : auditing , the revision of the directors ' report or any summary financial statement , steps to be taken to bring the order to the notice of persons likely to rely on the original accounts , and on such other matters as the court thinks fit .
11 Having got a vivid picture in your mind , spell out the steps that have to be taken to bring the crisis under control and resolve it .
12 Here care has to be taken to establish the effect of decisions relating initially to one area across the Course and to fix , relatively early in the year , firm targets for student recruitment in order to meet the Polytechnic 's plans for individual departments and schools .
13 We had argued , to put it very briefly , that since one of the law 's concerns was the preservation of public order and decency , steps ought to be taken to remove the affront to public order and decency which was presented by the obtrusive presence of large numbers of prostitutes openly soliciting on the streets .
14 Environmentalists point out , however , that the fall in emissions was largely due to the economic recession ; if the UK economy revives , consumption and emissions will increase as a result and further measures will have to be taken to meet the target , which is in any case widely seen as very modest .
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