Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The risk , however , is that come the day of dispute adequate proof of the business practices will be difficult if not impossible to assemble and that the default provisions of the Partnership Act ( see below ) will have to be applied to sort out the problem .
2 It is understood that the Bank of England backed higher rates to protect the pound but was less convinced that they needed to be raised to cool down the economy any further .
3 Particular institutions were to be authorized to carry out the ‘ main validation procedures ’ leading to the Council 's approval of courses in their ‘ well established subject areas ’ , with their freedom to organize their affairs in this way being subject to a quinquennial review :
4 While directors like Ken Russell and Nic Roeg carried on along their own idiosyncratic paths , and many of the directors who had flourished in the 1960s packed their bags for the trip to LA , there were no indications that those left behind had begun to face up to the economic realities of British film production , or what would have to be done to patch up the damage done to the craft of filmmaking , more particularly screenwriting , during the dead times of the 1950s and into the 1960s .
5 Neither of those sums of course has to be taken into account in any of the mathematics which now have to be done to total up the awards which I would make .
6 A great deal of work now needs to be done to work out the details of the new arrangements .
7 Whoever had washed up last night had n't cleaned the cooker , there was no light-bulb in the one cell in the basement and someone had had to be dispatched to wake up the ironmonger because nobody could find a spare .
8 Sunderland 's housing committee is to be asked to take over the property with a view to renting it to a would-be tenant who could buy it outright in future under the right-to-buy scheme .
9 Now bills for other bands from next April will have to be increased to make up the shortfall , says the Local Government Information Unit .
10 This was to be jointly owned by twelve area distribution companies , which were to be created to take on the distribution role of the existing twelve area boards .
11 Mechanisms and institutions need to be created to guide both the market and the consumer .
12 This option requires the name of the package , the name of the LIFESPAN user to be designated to carry out the approval , and the date by which the approval decision is required .
13 A window and a section of wall had to be removed to take out the body and twenty men were needed to lower the coffin into his grave in St. Martin 's Churchyard , where his tombstone states ‘ in personal greatness [ he ] had no competitor ’ .
14 The Infinity Drive exerted exactly equal stress — which was to say almost none — on all parts of the contained structure , and a ship like the Simonova was never likely to be required to approach even the outer atmosphere of a planet , far less to land .
15 When the veins of coal were mined , pillars of coal had to be left to hold up the roof of the mine , rather like the pillars in a multistorey car park .
16 Stand-by or supply teachers are needed if community language teachers are to be released to carry out the necessary development work .
17 The illusion soon faded , and an administration of dull Bavarians had to be imported to sort out the Greeks ' affairs for them .
18 Home income schemes involved using funds obtained via a mortgage to be re-invested to pay off the loan and provide additional income .
19 For dry lining , the plasterboards used are the type with tapered edges which allow a reinforcing tape and filler to be used to finish off the joint flush with the board surface .
20 Laughing and laughin' or [ ga:d ] and [ go:d ] can more convincingly be shown to be used to say referentially the same thing than any pair of postulated synonymous syntactic constructions such as the liquor store was broken into versus they broke into the liquor store .
21 Though it is meant to be used to keep out the cold , we had brought six of them to cover the tents and reflect away the sun 's heat , and to signal for help if needed .
22 The problem each system faced was that the matching process created a large number of partial solutions , and various heuristics had to be used to cut down the search space .
23 He has , for instance , been more open than his predecessors about the tens of billions of dollars that will have to be spent to clean up the department 's shambolic nuclear-weapons plants .
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