Example sentences of "to [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It is very difficult , particularly for those who work in a stuffy , overcrowded office , to which they commute on a stuffy overcrowded train , successfully to avoid catching cold or other viruses .
2 Assessment schemes vary in the extent to which they rely on a structured syllabus and defined test modes .
3 Of course , it should be remembered that s3 subjects the terms to which it applies to a test of reasonableness , and where individual terms have been varied for a particular customer ( situation ( a ) ) , or where the terms have been approved by a trade association ( situation ( b ) ) or negotiated between the parties ( situation ( e ) ) they are more likely to satisfy the test of reasonableness .
4 One particular incident which sticks in my mind which brought home to me how ill he was occurred when my mother sent me one morning to ask my father what he wanted for breakfast , to which he replied in a very vague and confused manner " hen mush " ( the term we gave to the vegetable matter we cooked up for the chickens ) .
5 A church that stood upon a grassy hill and to which you mounted by a flight of steep stone stairs .
6 I shall certainly answer the question , because we have a policy to which I alluded as a result of an interruption made by the Government Whip .
7 After supper the ladies sung Erse songs , to which I listened as an English audience to an Italian opera , delighted with the sound of words which I did not understand . ’
8 The scenery was fascinating ; mountains were beginning to appear in the distance , beckoning to her with a blue , misty enchantment , to which she responded with a longing she could n't believe she possessed .
9 The first time I visit the Ladies ' Pond , I exclaim to Kelly , ‘ It 's like a Fellini film , ’ to which she says in a lazy Scottish brogue , ‘ Perhaps …
10 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
11 The two opposition members of parliament were firmly opposed to what they saw as a further extension of government power .
12 The philosophers may have been generally unsympathetic to what they saw as an encroachment on their territory , while the sociologists have done their best to incorporate or adapt Mannheim 's project to fit with a paradigm in which they were already working .
13 This manoeuvre caused dissension within feminist ranks , however , and in 1889 a small group of women , including Mrs Pankhurst and Josephine Butler , formed the Women 's Franchise League , in reaction to what they perceived as a preoccupation with the cause of spinsters and widows .
14 Therefore when there is trouble afoot , they will move their young to what they regard as a more secure home .
15 In a way , black sportsmen in Britain are responding to what they perceive as a challenge .
16 If , in the years to follow , he did relatively little to help the Valois war effort , his defection greatly angered the English who reacted in strongly emotional terms to what they regarded as an act of betrayal and treason against the English crown .
17 But the British and American governments are opposed to what they see as a diversion of the bank 's core activities in encouraging private enterprise in eastern Europe .
18 Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age .
19 Police are appealing for witnesses to what they describe as a particularly stupid , vicious and cowardly attack
20 The UK government reacted angrily to what it saw as an unwarranted interference in the affairs of the colony on June 18 , when Guo Fengmin , the Chinese senior official on the Sino-British Joint Liaison group , said at the close of the 23rd Liaison Group meeting in Beijing that the Chinese side would find unacceptable the appointment of any members of the United Democrats of Hong Kong ( UDHK ) to the Executive Council .
21 The ANC had earlier resisted a meeting with Inkatha on the grounds that this would lend undue national legitimacy to what it regarded as a Zulu organization with a power base confined largely to Natal province .
22 The US also objects to what it sees as an open-ended commitment to fund biodiversity protection in developing countries .
23 A live show is something separate and you do different things in a live show to what you do on a record .
24 If we spend up to what you described as a capping level , then I 'm absolutely convinced we will not be capped .
25 At this point she showed enormous courage by re-assessing her life , and has now struggled through to what she describes as a liberating philosophy of autonomy and self-determination .
26 Owing to what she sees as a lack of gratitude , she threatens to refuse to continue with the caring tasks .
27 Sontag counterposed an aesthetics of sensation to what she described as an aesthetics of ‘ interpretation ’ .
28 At Oxford , Mr Gould joined the Labour Party partly in response to what he saw as an attempt by the City to frustrate the 1964 election results and he has retained a disdain for the get-rich-quick philosophy of the City ever since .
29 Durkheim ( 1893 ) , in his discussion of the ‘ abnormal forms ’ of the division of labour , long ago drew attention to what he regarded as a condition of ‘ anomie ’ in the sphere of production , characterized by the absence of a body of rules governing the relations between different social functions — above all between labour and capital — and saw as both probable and desirable a growing normative regulation of industrial relations .
30 Well I told my lot to whatever they do on a Saturday , put it down on Monday and that way it 'll automatically get paid at time and a half .
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