Example sentences of "to [Wh det] [art] [noun sg] will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 " In general , Lenneberg 's ( 1967 ) contention that the extent to which a speaker will have a foreign accent correlates fairly well with the age at which the second language is learned has received extensive confirmation .
2 Our front page article , this month , graphically describes the length to which a Bank will go to impose its ‘ justice ’ on individuals .
3 For example , it can be used : to predict whether or not a chemical reaction is likely to occur when two different substances are mixed ; to enable the amount of energy theoretically required by or released during reactions to be calculated ; to predict the extent to which a reaction will proceed before reaching a condition of equilibrium .
4 Sexual imprinting , for example , concerns the species to which the animal will direct its sexual behaviour .
5 Anxious liberals or ‘ lefties ’ sometimes underestimate the degree to which the underclass will put up with its lot .
6 Enhancement in this context means the carrying out of works which are intended to lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset , to increase substantially its open market value , or to increase substantially the extent to which the asset will serve the purposes of the local authority concerned .
7 The series of legal actions initiated by the Government to suppress publication of the memoirs of a former intelligence agent , Peter Wright , indicates the lengths to which the Government will go to ensure confidentiality .
8 NOTE WELL that the symbol LSTRAIN will still execute USERTL , but that , having reassigned the logical names for LSLIVE , it is LSLIVE to which the user will attach .
9 So far as UK law is concerned , the real question is the extent to which the Directive will require changes to the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , the Fair Trading Act 1973 , the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , the UCTA 1977 , the SGA1979 , and the SGSA 1982 .
10 As obvious as it may sound , it is essential to understand and identify the business being sold and the use to which the purchaser will put the assets .
11 Knowledge by a bird of a sibling 's appearance must necessarily be an imperfect guide to what a first-cousin will look like .
12 She/he is also looking for initiative and indications that you have given some thought to what the job will involve .
13 Tony admits that the price is calculated according to what the market will bear , not , as Adam Smith and his fan club would like , by examining his costs and fixing a price which allowed a modest profit .
14 He dismisses the popular theory of the need to price according to what the market will bear .
15 Business is scheduled to grow by 7 ½ per cent by March 1994 , and BR admits prices ‘ will relate to what the market will bear . ’
16 The task of the salesman is both to establish an ongoing relationship with his customer , and also to charge as close as possible to what the market will bear .
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