Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Only 365 people turned up and to add insult to injury , the lights had to be turned on in the second half when a storm blew up , plunging the ground into darkness .
2 The paper is clipped together by firm bulldog clips at the top edge of the required piece of hardboard , so allowing the charts to be turned over in an upwards direction .
3 Owner Richard Burridge ( above ) reports his tough grey almost back to his old self and the horse may be well enough to be turned out in a paddock today .
4 I did n't care to be squashed up in the shelter .
5 You can also ask for the patient 's meal to be cut up in the kitchen ready to eat , although this is something that can be done when you order the meal .
6 We are sending you Hurtard our serjeant , to cause oaks to be cut down in the said forest and carried to Winchester against Christmas , for our hearth .
7 Ramsay was in two minds as to whether it was wise to allow himself to be bottled up in the town when his place arguably was with the Regent ; but he decided that he might possibly play a more useful part here as Seton 's assistant — and he ought to be able to escape by boat , at night , if necessary .
8 But he wanted to make it clear that he was there to be called on in an emergency .
9 In this case the defendants , who were manufacturers of electronic components , collected on their land a large number of strips of metal foil , light enough to be blown about in the wind .
10 The next psychological breakpoint is the 1,000dpi mark which was the point at which digital phototypesetting began to be accepted back in the late 60s and through the 70s .
11 Previously Venturous had been a noteworthy arrival to be written up in the local press .
12 The information is all contained in the columns of figures , but the knitting instructions appear on your console , or Form Computer display , rather than having to be written out in the printed pattern .
13 In pre-summit manoeuvres , European trade union leaders also warned of the ‘ danger of social strife ’ if the 1992 market arrived without proper social protection for workers and criticised France for allowing the Charter to be watered down in a doomed effort to win Mrs Thatcher 's support .
14 With a low-start , low-cost with-profits endowment , payments are reduced in the first few years , and the difference has to be made up in the remaining period .
15 Now one of the tall windows on the front room stands open to the warm evening air , but there is nothing to be made out in the darkness of the room beyond .
16 There are still wrinkles to be ironed out in the final terms of the merger — though the firms have agreed in principle that the merged company should be owned 50:50 .
17 But , within a couple of months of coming to the throne , Siraj-ud-Daula marched on Calcutta , seized and plundered it after a few days of frantic but ill-prepared resistance , and allowed the few British survivors of the seige to be locked up in the prison of the fortress for the night .
18 Will Religious Life need to be lived out in a new form ?
19 Thursday night in Galway is the night to be seen out in the town : - ) , but I 've still got more than the two brain cells needed to see through your ploy Tim .
20 Initiation rites in magical sects and mystery religions often require the candidate to be shut up in a dark vault for a lengthy period , in order to die and be reborn to himself .
21 For instance , management could have recognised right from the outset that the machinists had a vital role to play and not left this to be argued about in a battle with the computer staff .
22 It was clear that the free-enterprise ( indeed , Thatcherite ) peoples of Hong Kong were likely to be swallowed up in a huge Marxist empire of uncertain direction .
23 She 'd waited the few moments it took for his lean , athletic figure to be swallowed up in the crowd , feasting her eyes on his receding back , fighting back the threatening tears .
24 A third defendant , Keith Bunting , 23 , of Ashley Road , Dovercourt , denies using threatening or insulting behaviour and resisting arrest while a fourth , Damon Wait , 17 , of Victoria Road , Dovercourt , agreed to be bound over in the sum of £50 to keep the peace for 12 months .
25 He is the first player to be sent off in a Manchester derby since 1974 , when both Lou Macari and Mike Doyle were dismissed .
26 His footballing skills were obviously allied to a questionable temperament , and in January 1985 Frank McAvennie lived up to his immense promise , becoming the first Scottish footballer to be sent off in a Premier league match for giving a ‘ V ’ sign to the opposing fans .
27 Moran , the first player to be sent off in an FA Cup Final when he fouled Peter Reid in the 1985 FA Cup Final between United and Everton , has tasted every emotion that football can offer .
28 Ferguson became the first player to be sent off in the six-year reign of Scotland manager Andy Roxburgh .
29 The 25-year-old will cost around £700,000 and the signing is likely to be pushed through in the next few days in time for the Christmas programme .
30 Housing was the first of the public sector programmes to be tied back in the 1960s .
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