Example sentences of "to [det] [noun sg] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 of altering lights to that village where the well
2 Instead , the Prince of Wales veered right back to the domain of his grandfather , King George VI , and more specifically to the beloved fields of Sandringham ; to that life where the wellington boot has priority alongside the gun , and the frozen kale field , in which the King was never happier than to spend several distinctly cold and uncomfortable hours .
3 The first is that the retention by the state of taxes unlawfully exacted is particularly obnoxious , because it is one of the most fundamental principles of our law — enshrined in a famous constitutional document , the Bill of Rights 1688 — that taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament ; and full effect can only be given to that principle if the return of taxes exacted under an unlawful demand can be enforced as a matter of right .
4 The British ‘ aristocracy of labour ’ , a stratum peculiar to that country where the class of independent small producers , shopkeepers , etc. , was relatively insignificant , as was the lower middle class of white-collar workers and minor bureaucrats , helped to turn the Liberal Party into a party with genuine mass appeal .
5 Whether he would have come to that conclusion if the building was betting-shop is an interesting thought , but we ‘ ve been delighted to go along with his judgement .
6 The software needs a lot of work before it 's mature and the current situation puts OSF and DCE vendors in a race to get it to that point before the marketplace grows leery of it .
7 I shall also refer to the views of Doctor David as to that care when the patient was at Hunstead Park .
8 The Fish got us a good position at the back of the club , where we stood on wooden beer crates holding on to each other as the floor seemed about to crack open with heat and stomping .
9 Choir and audience wave to each other when the singing is over , some of the little boys leaning perilously over the parapets .
10 They were both slightly embarrassed at how they had clung to each other when the thunder crashed and how the daughter had nestled in , practically under , her mother 's nightgown when the sheeting rain slashed down around them , beating on the windows , just as when she was a little girl .
11 Although defensive ( low beta ) securities may be chosen , the market risk will still be present to some degree unless the investor decides to move his or her capital into another form of investment in which case he or she will be faced with another set of risks .
12 But you 'll still be legally entitled to some compensation if the machine is faulty , so it may be worth thinking about accepting a free repair or a replacement .
13 The space problem was relieved to some extent when the museum moved to its modern site in the late I820s , but natural history still rubbed shoulders with art and archaeology .
14 It 's very rare that there is no wind over the whole country , and to some extent when the wind drops so does the demand for fuel .
15 " I was delayed to some extent because the address given to me was 626 Cheyne Walk , which I could not find , but eventually the river police directed me . "
16 ZOFFANY 'S Cockfight , featured on the cover of Christie 's British Pictures sale on Friday , gave rise to some confusion when the catalogue first flopped through letter-boxes .
17 While we have charted the moves away from the more strident outpourings of the 1979 campaign , within the Conservatives ' law and order strategy over the last decade , it should not be assumed that they will not revert to this rhetoric if the need arises .
18 ( 1 ) This section shall apply to any premises for which a hotel licence , restricted hotel licence , or restaurant licence is held and to any premises for which a public house licence or refreshment licence is held and in respect of which an application for Sunday opening has been granted under Schedule 4 to this Act if the licence-holder gives notice of the application of the section to the premises in accordance with the provisions of section 58(1) of this Act , and the effect of the application of this section to those premises shall be that , for the purposes mentioned in section 58(3) of this Act , the permitted hours on Sundays shall be extended by , the addition to them of the hours between five and half-past six in the evening , and subsections ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) and ( 8 ) of that section shall apply accordingly .
19 Bizarrely , it 's a pork butcher 's shop , and there 's more to this business than a bacon slicer and a few trays of pies .
20 I would like to say that there have been no negotiations with British Coal erm in relation to this objection as the application is currently in abeyance as it 's obviously subject to a section fourteen direction , but I do n't see anything in there erm which erm alters the the general conclusions er that I 've put in my supplementary paper on this particular criterion .
21 However , a decision of the European Court of Justice ( that is , the Court of the European Communities ) has necessitated the creation of an exception to this rule where the applicant is seeking to enforce rights recognized by European Community law .
22 The Inland Revenue Technical Division were asked in correspondence whether they adhered to this view where the income in question was paid to a beneficiary who was neither resident nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom or , alternatively , where foreign source income was concerned , was paid outside the United Kingdom to a beneficiary who was not domiciled in the United Kingdom .
23 It would be possible to deduce what will happen to this market if the rival builds a larger plant to try to catch up with your experience and at what level you need to price to try to prevent that .
24 The lawyer claimed McAllister and Pettigrew acted as lookouts at Whiterock post office , waving to another man when the patrol passed , and that Beck kept watch in an alleyway between Divismore Crescent and Springfield Road .
25 This avoids any confusion when the buyer sells the option to another investor as the obligation remains with the writer .
26 Pickers were diverted on to another plot after the theft was discovered .
27 This unmarked transition from " Chaucer " to another pilgram-narrator where a tale begins is unparalleled in the rest of the Canterbury Tales , and , be it by accident or design , it encourages us to reflect upon how far the Miller 's Tale is also Chaucer 's .
28 Care should , however , be taken where a section appears to confer no right of appeal , but that section is in fact linked to another section where a right of appeal exists ; e.g. under s.62 a licensing board may attach conditions to a grant or transfer of a licence and apparently there is no right of appeal against that section , but in Wallace v. Kyle and Carrick Licensing Board , 1979 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 12 , it was held that as s.62 was ancillary to s.10 under which licences were granted , an appeal was competent ; see also M. Milne v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 145 where an appeal against a decision by the clerk under 5.10(1) refusing to accept a late application for renewal was allowed in respect that the application related to a renewal of a licence under s.17(4) .
29 job mobility : will the employee be expected to move to another town if the employer wants him to work elsewhere ?
30 With R & D environments , a project may frequently be stopped or transferred to another department before the inventor has had the opportunity to reap the joy that comes from full explorations of their work .
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