Example sentences of "to [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There will always be subjects which can only be handled by referring them to apparently independent adjudicators outside government .
2 There has been a general shift to less visible forms of taxation such as payroll ( or national insurance ) and indirect taxes .
3 Lean and the Boultings drifted towards less intense forms of filmmaking , and the concerns evident in their early 1950s pictures were pushed out to less prestigious areas of film production .
4 Occupational welfare may include tangible benefits such as non-contributory pensions , company cars or cheap loans , but may also refer to less tangible aspects of employment like the number and range of hours worked , the working environment and effects on health or future prospects .
5 I said , ‘ I am older than you , sir ( how easily that polite ‘ sir ’ crept in as a mode of address ! ) — old enough to discover that finding out often leads to less pleasurable states of mind than mere ignorance ! ’
6 The same strictures can also be adapted to apply to less inflationary accounts of consent .
7 Representatives of the five unions involved will meet on Tuesday to discuss the options , which will range from reballoting to allow for limited strike action to less disruptive forms of escalation in the four-week pay dispute .
8 Many of us became accustomed to highly salted foods in childhood , for example , and so learned to prefer the taste .
9 Initially the argument can be simplified by assuming that the motor/load combination has a high inertia , so that variations in motor torque lead to only small changes in motor speed .
10 A template had been forged which was subject to only minor modifications over time .
11 There are totally different class relationships , leading to totally different forms of society : ancient , feudal and capitalist .
12 These two components were clearly demonstrated in Xenopus oocytes , in which the response to gradually increasing doses of InsP 3 began with localized elevations of calcium ( hot spots ) which then transformed into regenerative waves .
13 Support refers to anything which is said or done to help the offender solve or mitigate their personal or social problems : surveillance to anything which is said or done to induce the offender to conform to socially acceptable standards of behaviour .
14 Government influence , ranging from direct bribery to more subtle forms of patronage and manipulation , it has been argued , played the key role in shaping the outcome of elections , with the result that , at least under Anne , the ministry of the day never lost a General Election .
15 The law has long recognised the right of society to remove children from parents who are believed to be damaging them and , in recent times , has become alert to more subtle kinds of damage .
16 The pursuit of the newsworthy , the move to more collective forms of journalism , and the ever-present desire to get copy into the papers , forces all journalists in one direction and towards that which will be interesting and a ‘ good read ’ .
17 A few farmers have adhered to or returned to more traditional methods of farming .
18 The final article in this section , by Midwinter ( 2.7 ) , is addressed to more general questions about professionalism in education , and social and welfare services in general .
19 As to more general options for change , the Board referred to the possibilities of exclusive or semi-exclusive ‘ contracting , ’ and of ‘ franchising . ’
20 In Chapters 2 to 10 we take the various constructions in which English adjectives actually appear , and consider the grammatical and interpretative consequences of the intensional patterns which are expressed by those constructions , before returning in the final three chapters to more general issues of syntax .
21 Within the health service there is an established but still growing interest in the use of such data ti contribute to an understanding of the geographical patterns of disease incidence and to contribute to more general issues of health service resource targeting .
22 Many fundholding practices are already making loud protest at the reduced funds on offer as regions move to more equitable methods of allocation based on capitation .
23 Mozart 's work is exquisitely crafted : the instruments seem to engage in a continuous dialogue by turns thoughtful and considered , passionately enraptured ( as in the hauntingly beautiful C minor slow movement ) , and — in the rondo finale — playful , each soloist spurring the other on to more daring feats of imitation .
24 Competing accountabilities , it is argued , lead to more complex conflicts of interest and value trade-offs for managers in the public sector .
25 Having learnt to sail in a sail boat like the Topper you can move on to more complex boats with confidence or continue to exploit the versatility and convenience of this single-hander which has become the best selling sail boat in Britain the one design nature of the Topper , due to its injection moulded hull , is perfect for racing and secondhand values remain high .
26 In general , the full analysis of a set of data consists of a sequence of tasks from data validation , through the exploratory production of graphs and summary statistics to more complex techniques of estimation and inference .
27 these strands have persisted through to more recent studies of policy-making .
28 The growth of industrial concentration and the size of firms , the acceleration of technological innovation , and the increased costs of restructuring sectors of private capital ( that is concentrating resources in more efficient units and transferring resources from declining to more profitable sectors of production ) all tended to undermine the effectiveness of the market as an ‘ automatic ’ regulator of the processes of capitalist accumulation .
29 Therefore in The Inheritors simile is linked to more explicit processes of reasoning , and metaphor is associated with a less analytical mental state .
30 Pollution levels in the city centre have been shown to be dangerously high , and these can only be reduced by encouraging a switch to more environment-friendly modes of transport .
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