Example sentences of "to [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the system developed during the transition to industrialisation in the early part of the present century .
2 Since 1988 the register of title has been open to inspection by the general public .
3 The papers of the Lord Chancellor 's Department which are open to inspection in the Public Record Office are therefore a valuable but under-used source of information for the study of recent political and social history , public administration and law .
4 In a speech in Seoul on 27 April Rhee cleverly sought to reconcile his own vigorous hostility to communism with the American approach to world problems .
5 All too frequently Nizan 's highly publicised resignation from the PCF in September 1939 is interpreted by contemporary liberal critics imbued with a visceral hostility to communism as the visible sign that his allegiance to the party was flawed from the beginning .
6 Muslim descendants of Slavs who converted to Islam under the Ottoman Empire make up the largest ethnic group , accounting for 43 per cent of the republic 's 4.3 million inhabitants .
7 Excess of oligonucleotide 1 led to recircularization of the original vector whereas insufficient quantities resulted in incomplete digestion .
8 Staff at the brewery are bitter that a profitable business can be reduced to penury by the financial crisis in its parent group .
9 With this help , No. 1 Troop had fought their way from building to building up the landward side of the road and were attacking a house when Sergeant Culling was hit in the face and killed by a percussion grenade exploding on impact .
10 We know that there is a limit to what Britain can achieve alone and we are committed to building in the wider world the sort of society we strive for at home , founded on mutual cooperation , political liberty and shared prosperity .
11 Brigit , 45 , will be seen in the first commercial this week playing a mum worried about her daughter going to university for the first time .
12 Galvin , Swindon 's Irish winger , has recovered from injury , while Parkin returns to defence for the suspended Gittens .
13 The most obvious test of television 's ability to set the public agenda was provided by its massive shift of emphasis on to defence in the third week of the campaign .
14 This terrain of rocky canyons and dusty valleys is well suited to defence against the Ethiopian army in a war of independence that has lasted 25 years .
15 I flung open my double-glazed windows before I went to sleep and the first call to prayer of the Muslim day was a strident awakening .
16 The dips in the reflectance curve for healthy vegetation at 0.4 and 0.6–0.8 m are due to absorption by the growing vegetation to provide energy for the process of photosynthesis. ( b ) The actual reflectance spectrum of an object ( upper diagram ) and the spectrum recorded by a broad-band sensor such as Landsat 's Multispectral Scanner .
17 The morning room was supported out from it on stilts , reaching into nothing so that to stand at the foremost edge of the platform was to seem to be poised above an abyss .
18 In a general election on July 19 , 1987 [ see pp. 35388-90 ] , the PSD , which under Cavaco Silva had been ruling as a minority administration , was returned to parliament as the first government since 1974 to command an absolute majority .
19 The vast bulk of delegated legislation is made with no reference to Parliament beyond the original delegation of power to make it by Parliament .
20 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
21 It was probably in consequence of this great accession of landed wealth that Holland was summoned to Parliament for the first time in July 1314 .
22 More importantly , it is essential to make statutory provision for a framework of public audit in this country sufficient to ensure accountability to Parliament for the wider range of public expenditure now and in the future .
23 The government ( Cmnd 9008 , 1983 ) summarised its economic case thus : ‘ Ministers are accountable to Parliament for the broad conduct of the economy … .
24 She was elected to Parliament at the general election in April .
25 They had run the city respectively from 1976 to 1986 and from 1986 to December 1991 , and both were protected by parliamentary immunity , having been returned to parliament at the general election .
26 She was a newcomer to Parliament at the last election .
27 It was the latter 's religious and political disaffection which took most of the county over to Parliament in the Civil Wars .
28 Indeed the same evidence has been tendered , the same facts had been brought to the attention of the same Committee in 1972 ; but the Committee had reported to Parliament in the opposite sense , stating the opposite to the evidence they had actually received from those who were competent to tender it .
29 These are normally presented to Parliament in the previous December , along with the winter supplementary estimates for the previous year .
30 For she had had vivid dreams — dreams in which he was dead and she had gone to see him in the T'ang 's Great Hall , laid out in state , clothed from head to foot in the white cloth of death .
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