Example sentences of "to [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The editorial contents will be designed to provide a back-up to course work and a bridge between the college experience and the realities of working on site .
2 Another half-hour 's walking brought me to Cow Dub where a stream thunders down from a lip of flowstone , crashing through a narrow tubular cavern to scour out a perfectly formed round pool below .
3 Long tongues of land reaching out to mills have already been mentioned , as have projections giving access to upland pasture or a pool , but other extensions may sometimes show the former existence of a settlement .
4 The general restriction of planning methods for rural housing to development control and a concern with the fabric of the built countryside pervades the whole attitude of structure planning to rural housing , not just policies .
5 They are also subject to screw dislocation and a mixture of the two , mixed dislocation .
6 Attractions on Sunday and Monday include the Tetley dray horses , a Barley to Beer exhibition and a farming display .
7 Born in Herne Hill on Sept 3 , 1917 , into a bat-making family , Walter Stuart Surridge , who died at 74 , after a heart attack , on April 13 in Glossop , was educated at Emanuel School , Wandsworth , m where he switched from wicketkeeping to fast bowling when a gap occurred in the school XI .
8 While nitrate is not as potent as ammonia or nitrite , it can still considerably weaken fish , leaving them open to nitrate poisoning and a variety of lethal diseases .
9 What I could see was a thoroughly unsatisfactory situation whereby large elements of the medical profession remained profoundly hostile to government policy until a change of government should take place .
10 At any moment , I thought , these people will remove their green hats to reveal powdered wigs , and I will be sentenced to life imprisonment or a job with British Rail .
11 After that it was back to cup action where a victory was won against Kilsyth by 4 goals to nil .
12 ( f ) Special notices relating to leasehold property When a property is sold subject to tenancies , the seller 's solicitors should prepare and hand over on completion an authority to each tenant to pay future rent to the buyer ; without such authority the tenant can not be expected to recognise the change of landlord .
13 The other went on to film school and a career in the movie business .
14 It 's er almost two years ago now that erm , and it , I 'd like you to wait , but not entirely as a consequence of B C C I 's er , demise , that Citra published a code of practice to Treasury Management and a guide to the Chief Officers who were members of that Institution .
15 Sadly , the convict 's transportation ship bore him to Botany Bay before a cure could be confirmed .
16 How about helping with Walk for Wildlife next year , the House to House collection or a Flag Day ?
17 ‘ The pressure is on to make money and a lot of consultants are suffering , ’ notes Cunningham .
18 Reinflation of the balloon catheter produced a return to sinus rhythm and a blood pressure of 93/58 mm Hg within 15 s .
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