Example sentences of "to [pron] and [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The nation 's youngsters took to them and a successful soap was born .
2 In 1314 the northern clergy were asked by the king for an ‘ aid ’ for his projected campaign against the Scots , a request repeated to them and the southern clergy in 1316 .
3 It 's a great pleasure to me and a certain indication of satisfaction that many of them are regulars .
4 ‘ What would happen to me and the young ones , then ? ’
5 Hammond retired from his military position in the course of 1651–2 , but continued to be much preoccupied with the pay arrears due to himself and the other personnel of the artillery train from his years of service .
6 His nibs here was doing his solo piece , the stage to himself and the old people were comparatively quiet , until the one with the hearing aid asked in no small voice , ‘ I ca n't get me aid to work ; what 's he playin' ? ’
7 ‘ When somebody is going through a crisis they are opening up to you and a deep bond does develop , more perhaps than you would have with a doctor .
8 Looking forward to seeing you in the summer , and thanks again so much to you and the other participants for your help .
9 And we have done something about it , grasped the mettle , and I believe that in a short while we 're going to solve this problem , and it wo n't be thanks to you and the Conservative Party .
10 Supplementary pension is complicated , and to understand how it applies to you and the latest rates of payment , see the leaflets and books listed on pages 79–80 .
11 In view of the stamp duty implications , the wife should consider taking the conveyance herself and subsequently conveying to herself and the new husband .
12 If , however , it is agreed that the wife should purchase the husband 's share and interest , and in reality the purchase monies are being provided by the new husband , then if the husband refuses to convey his interest in the house to the wife and the new husband , it is suggested that the wife takes the conveyance/transfer in her sole name as nominee and makes a subsequent conveyance to herself and the new husband .
13 Where the wife takes the conveyance and requires it to be conveyed to herself and the new husband , she should convey as " trustee " ( thus implying that she herself has not encumbered the property ) as she has never had the legal title vested in her absolutely .
14 This is , in essence , a truncation of two separate transactions ( a transfer to the wife followed by her subsequent transfer to herself and the third party ) each of which could be the subject of a certificate under The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) ( Categories H and L respectively ) .
15 It 's as if Tom Robinson ( the negro ) has no say in what happens to him and a white woman has the right to push him around and refer to him as nigger , overpowering him in all senses of the matter .
16 Erm , resolution that Synod appoints Jo , John as Synod clerk for a period of up to three years to commence at a date mutually convenient to him and the present Synod clerk .
17 ‘ Midnight , if that 's th'name , the Cap'n says th'must attend to him and the other guests in the drawing-room .
18 For many years we sought access to him and the inner sanctum of his medieval palace , until in 1981 he finally gave us the first filmed interview ever granted by one of his line .
19 Tears of reaction to him and the whole situation flooded her eyes .
20 He also points out the song 's crucial omission , astonishing in a work of the protest movement : Dylan never says that Zantzinger is white and Hattie Carroll black , and forces the listener to assume that she was because of everything we are told about her : her name , that she had ten children , her position as a maid who ‘ did n't even talk to the people at the table ’ and , more tendentiously , because of what was done to her and the mild punishment meted out to her murderer who ‘ at 24 years/Owns a tobacco farm of 600 acres ’ .
21 The realisation , which came to her and the unmistakable clarity of truth , was quite a shock .
22 In an article of 1847 in its journal , The Ecclesiologist , the society advocated a separate roof for the school-room and the headmaster 's house with the classroom set at right-angles to it and a lean-to cloakroom .
23 She stepped on to it and a little breeze caught her hair and lifted it behind her .
24 ( a ) a general introduction to the topic or concept that the teaching unit is concerned with and a brief description of its potential ( b ) very clear instructions on how to drive the program , usually including a key-by-key sequence to introduce the user to it and a clear description of the full range of possibilities that it offers ( c ) a description of some of the ways teachers have used the unit ( d ) discussion of its educational objectives and suggestions for further use ( e ) references to educational material that would provide support for this topic or concept ( f ) a full annotated program listing with specifications of the different computer systems that would support the software .
25 Oh erm with with a We had a er erm a a paraffin driven er a Crossley , a big oil engine with two big flywheels to it and a big piston like a bucket .
26 If that were the case then I would say to you that there must be some exceptions to it and the one exception I am particularly concerned with , and it 's up to others to bring forward their particular exceptions , is that of rural affordable housing .
27 In his reference to the poll tax , the hon. Member for Teignbridge referred to the many things that had to be built on to it and the many anomalies that had to be addressed .
28 He said the inquiry , carried out under terms unique to it and the Equal Opportunities Commission , had been formally initiated last month and could last up to a year .
29 Apparently he had become addicted to it and the gradual disintegration of William was at last explained .
30 In this case , the package has an additional reference attached to it and the whole article is known as a Product .
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