Example sentences of "to [pron] [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They had had £10 : 1s. : 0d. advanced to them but divided between the two men for the 2½ months labour that was scarcely a good wage … average perhaps .
2 The amount that banks hold in cash and operational balances is up to them and depends on the demand for cash that they expect from their customers .
3 Bodie got out of the car and strolled past the two men , standing quite close to them and browsing in the window of the shop before which they stood .
4 I held my ticket tightly to me and smiled at the thought .
5 ‘ B is for Bell , ’ ' Paul said quietly , nodding to himself and staring at the rusting device .
6 Most , but not all , building societies have their own printed form of notice , which is always served in duplicate , so that one copy can be receipted and returned to you and lodged with the title deeds , which are ultimately sent back to the lender .
7 The disciplinary rules applicable to you and agreed by the Council will be found in the documents referred to in paragraph 3 above .
8 " But I have no wish to bring dishonour on you or your family , and am quite prepared to hand him back to you and forget about the whole matter — on one condition. ;
9 Proof of debt forms must be sent out by the official receiver or trustee to every creditor who is known to him or identified in the statement of affairs ( r 6.97 ) .
10 ‘ Better than your eyesight , ’ said the old woman , standing next to him and looking at the grey in his hair .
11 Anne introduced John and when Eileen moved away , Anne said goodbye to him and walked up the road with her sister , wheeling her bicycle .
12 A total of 35 blocks were judged too sensitive to mine and excluded from the 14th licensing round .
13 Maurin , who had been longing for an excuse to escape , said he would go himself to attend to it and made for the door .
14 ( 2 ) On any application for the renewal of a licence , the licensing board may require a plan of the premises to which the application relates to be produced to it and lodged with the clerk .
15 Similarly , in the spring of 1940 , he assured the French Head of State , Marshal Pétain , that Spain would remain neutral , while he also assured Ciano that although Spain was materially unable to participate in the war , he was not indifferent to it and believed in the victory of the Axis .
16 Léonie left her to it and returned to the kitchen .
17 Springing up , he took two steps across to it and peered at the glazed array of schoolboy faces .
18 As she spoke , Jack moved his hand gently on to hers and asked for the salt .
19 We can all be too clever by half , and it is wiser to take the gospel story as it is revealed to us and presented throughout the whole of the sacred text of scripture .
20 Their work is relevant to us and speaks of the human condition not because it attains universality and ‘ objectivity ’ , as Goody and others would imply , but on the contrary precisely because of its articulation with the real social experience in which they participated .
21 Now these represent , and this list is sent back to us and retained on the with the contract and all the details of this assignment for when it comes to the top of the pile as it were .
22 No , it 's not the case , they are X-ray images that we are looking at and it means that we can have er real time conversation with the doctors at the other end to advise whether the patient should be transferred to us or stay within the , in the hospital where they are , er whatever 's best at the time .
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