Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun sg] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One day in February 1943 I returned to my billet to find the usual envelope addressed in my mother 's round handwriting .
2 If what the Purchaser says is fair , why does it reserve the right to apply the indemnity basis without prejudice to its right to apply the contractual measure as well ?
3 Samantha sank on to her bed to show the helpless state she expected to be in by the evening .
4 Fortunately it was a price she could afford , and she had made the arrangements , coming back to her room to eat the best meal and sleep the best sleep she had done for quite a while .
5 She could not wait to rush up to her room to read the latest book her friend had lent her — which could be anything from The Stones of Venice to The Prisoner of Zenda .
6 When she arrived , she listened to the story of what had happened , teased out the relevant details , then announced that the police would have to be called and went off back to her office to do the necessary .
7 No doubt members would calculate whether it was to their advantage to have the waiting period reduced to 12 months .
8 He 'd met the girls in a nightclub in Atlanta and took them back to his hotel to make the one film he did n't expect anyone else but him to see .
9 Thomson 's win came mainly due to his ability to handle the windy conditions better than Schuback , who managed just two counts on the opening 10 ends .
10 It made him feel sick to his soul to watch the naked Irishman snorting with pleasure on his mam 's bed .
11 Isaiah Berlin has pointed to the uncertainty in Marx 's attitude to this ‘ the most central of all the concepts of his system ’ and to his failure to reconcile the two views he expresses : the one , that in unalienated labour there is perfect freedom for the fullest realisation of human potential and happiness ; the other , that ‘ the need for this minimum of toil is an inescapable fact of physical nature which it is mere Utopianism to hope to conjure away ’ .
12 ‘ Be always ready , according to your power to relieve the poor and help the distressed … ’ is a quote from The Rules for the Conduct of Life , a copy of which is given to all new Freemen — or perhaps it should now be Freepersons .
13 The only difference is that , whereas article 10 of the Convention , in accordance with its avowed purpose , proceeds to state a fundamental right and then to qualify it , we in this country ( where everybody is free to do anything , subject only to the provisions of the law ) proceed rather upon an assumption of freedom of speech , and turn to our law to discover the established exceptions to it .
14 The only difference is that , whereas article 10 of the Convention , in accordance with its avowed purpose , proceeds to state a fundamental right and then to qualify it , we in this country ( where everybody is free to do anything , subject only to the provisions of the law ) proceed rather upon an assumption of freedom of speech , and turn to our law to discover the established exceptions to it .
15 The only difference is that , whereas article 10 of the Convention , in accordance with its avowed purpose , proceeds to state a fundamental right and then to qualify it , we in this country ( where everybody is free to do anything , subject only to the provisions of the law ) proceed rather upon an assumption of freedom of speech , and turn to our law to discover the established exceptions to it .
16 I have greatly appreciated the positive responses you have given to our concern to see the revised Structural Fund Regulations take full account of the need to ensure projects receiving funding do not harm the environment and , if possible , enhance its qualities .
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