Example sentences of "to [be] call [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 used to be called a ragged school .
2 But it used to be called a ragged school .
3 But if this is to be called a rational method , it is so , from Stevenson 's point of view , mainly because it consists in letting one 's attitudes be moulded by rational factual beliefs .
4 When one gets right down to it , I doubt very much whether you 're fit to be called a bad lot . ’
5 Mr Beregovoy has been quoted as saying that he is not ashamed to be called a social democrat .
6 If I 'm making a film of myself and I 'm on probation , at the end of the year I can pass or fail or have my probation extended because I 'm not successful enough to be called a qualified teacher , then I 'm opening myself up for people to come and look at my mistakes .
7 The original reasons for seeking a Royal Charter remain : it would give greater status to the Association , its members and indeed the whole industry ; we would enjoy the endorsement by the Privy Council to our qualifications for membership ; recognition by the Privy Council would add weight to the Association 's opinion on issues when lobbying Government or debating with others ; our members would have the Privy Council 's endorsement of being true professionals with the opportunityfor a Corporate member to be called a Chartered Hotelier or a Chartered Caterer .
8 One hundred year ago Prof Peabody might well have been equally indignant had she been called a scientist , and would have said ( as did Faraday and Kelvin ) ‘ I prefer to be called a natural philosopher ’ .
9 You are what used to be called a White Russian . ’
10 I 'm never never one for for making work but on an a on although this is n't going to be called an annual report for most children it will be an annual event and I do feel quite strongly that for the child to be able to have the opportunity
11 However , the meeting , representing 33 different organizations , voted to establish a body " without rigid structures " rather than a party , to be called the Democratic Choice Bloc .
12 It was during this period of what used to be called the Dark Ages that the ethnic map of Europe began to assume a character which in the main survives today .
13 THE ACTRESS Helen Hayes , who came to be called the first lady of the American stage in a career that spanned eight decades , died on Wednesday at the age of 92 .
14 Peter Rawlins , having failed in his mission to set up the stubbornly impracticable Taurus computer trading system , has done what used to be called the honourable thing .
15 I do n't want to be called the 501 guy by any means , but it was fun .
16 To my mind that clinched the connection with Pegasus Farm , the Winged Pegasus being the emblem of the Parachute Regiment which used to be called the Red Berets ( when Richard Todd was making films ) but nowadays ( since American Football and Rambo ) referred to themselves as the Maroon Machine .
17 ( 1 ) There shall be established a body to be called the Scottish Bus Passengers ' Consultative Committee .
18 New clause 5 proposes the establishment of a body , to be called the Scottish bus passengers ' consultative committee , to monitor the effects of the legislation on passengers and to make recommendations to bus operators and the Secretary of State .
19 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
20 He explained the British problem to the Germans by saying that the British people had been lied to — they had not been told the truth about what used to be called the Common Market and is now called the European Community .
21 The Sun used to be called the Daily Herald .
22 There was what has come to be called the inverted story , that is , a mystery which begins with the murderer being seen to commit the murder and in which the interest lies in seeing how he will not get away with it despite that apparent perfection of his method .
23 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
24 Why then , it will be asked , do ‘ visible extension and figures come to be called the same name with tangible extension and figures , if they are not of the same kind with them ’ ?
25 It empowered the Secretary of State to prescribe a common curriculum ( to be called the national curriculum ) for pupils of compulsory school age in maintained schools ( for details , see Chapter 10 ) , to set attainment targets for each of its constituent subjects at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 , and to make arrangements for assessing how well these are met ; established a National Curriculum Council ( for England ) and a Curriculum Council for Wales to oversee the implementation and assessment of the national curriculum ; required LEAs , school governors and head teachers to ensure that the national curriculum is taught in all maintained schools .
26 Vitamin A used to be called the anti-infective vitamin because a deficiency reduces the resistance of certain parts of the body to infection .
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