Example sentences of "to [be] make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Randall said : ‘ In general terms , we do see room for hacking to be made a criminal offence . ’
2 None the less , some statements by members of the Association reveal that the effacement required by this procedure was no more than a tactical ploy , since one of the dominant assumptions of moral education was " that morality was to be made a conscious aim of the teacher , but concealed from the pupils , who were to imbibe the influence from literature as habit or experience " .
3 That can mean only that UKIAS was to be made the exclusive provider of legal advice .
4 A few weeks after that incident we received a so-called hot tipoff that an illegal immigrant run was to be made the following night " somewhere between the Thames and Lowestoft ! "
5 Still painfully relieved that he was not to be made an unwanted orphan and bundled off to a Home , Frankie left the room without a word .
6 Stan Mortensen , Blackpool 's hat-trick scorer in the 1953 FA Cup final win over Bolton , is to be made an honorary freeman of the town .
7 It further adds that an object ‘ normally dedicated to civilian purposes , such as a place of worship , a house or other dwelling or a school ’ shall in case of doubt be presumed to be making no effective contribution to military action .
8 Sir Geraint was thought to be making a good recovery in hospital after suffering a minor heart attack at his home near Aberystwyth .
9 It is not clear from the article to what extent it was Dutch society that he was basing his analysis on , but given that he appears to be making a general point about changes within Western Europe , it is important to point out that most of the literature on youth , adolescence and relations between the generations in Britain has tended to concentrate on , to use Elias ' term again , the changing balance of power between the generations within the working class .
10 If anyone claims to be making a factual statement , then they ought to be able to state what observations would be relevant to determining the truth or falsity of that statement .
11 One man was ‘ seriously ill ’ and the other was said to be making a satisfactory recovery .
12 In the words of John Paton , " the clean break seemed to be making a clean sweep of the Party members " .
13 Mr Gerrish appeared to be making a full recovery .
14 Howard seemed to be making a doomed attempt to explain the Doctor 's business on the island without mentioning zombies , the Necronomicon or anything similar that the military men might find difficult to accept .
15 On a less arrogant interpretation , he seems to be making the reasonable point that the appreciative stance is less likely to overlook both positive and negative aspects of deviance simply because it is more open to the acceptance of both possibilities .
16 Gifford never gave up and seemed to be making an appreciable dent on the gap , but at the winning post Foinavon was still fifteen lengths in front .
17 A group of Bengali mothers who attend their children 's primary school in East London to be helped towards an understanding of English language and the mysteries of local government administration might appear to be making an insignificant contribution to their children 's educational well being .
18 The only way to discover exactly how much this all adds up to is to make a daily note of everything you spend , for a month .
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