Example sentences of "to [be] [adj] [to-vb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Although Gaumont-British also declared a loss in 1937 , of £98,000 , Balcon 's departure from the company was precipitated by the prospect of Maxwell , a man whose production philosophy he abhorred , taking a stake in the company , and a general sense that he was n't going to be able to continue the same broad-based production policy as before .
2 ‘ Drivers want to be able to put the same smart card in a holder ( or a different card in the same holder ) whether driving in the Netherlands or on a French autoroute , ’ says Ian Catling , a member of an EC group which is ensuring that electronic Babel is avoided on the roads .
3 It seems to me that you 're a bunch of people having fun doing what you do , and I think a lot of people would like to be able to say the same .
4 ‘ Our Somerville Hypermarket is already trading successfully in Stockton and we hope to be able to offer the same quality of goods and standards of service to the people of Middlesbrough . ’
5 A Chief Whip is in a special position to be able to understand the many strains in the lives of colleagues that are unheard of beyond the bounds of Westminster , and often unheard of except within very small circles in this place .
6 I have already quoted Mrs in her statement brackets C forty eight , saying although my husband and I would like to be able to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I accept the last six years have taken their toll on us both and in reality it 's unlikely that we will continue to be able to provide the same level of care and outside is required , unquote .
7 In Britain , the tits you see will be blue tits , great tits , coal tits , crested tits , marsh tits , or willow tits ( to be fair , you are unlikely to be able to distinguish the latter two unless you listen to their calls and songs ) .
8 There was an increase in the price of goods that the Third World imported , more exports , therefore , were needed to be able to afford the same amount of imports .
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