Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Duclos offered his hand , anxious to be gone from the unwholesome presence of the recruiter .
2 But if , as is proposed , the core is to start to be taught from the primary schools , upwards , then it makes sense to introduce at the same time graded tests in each of the compulsory subjects , English , mathematics , modern languages , and science ( the music examinations could hold their present place as optional ) .
3 Carson had nowhere to hide , and he was about to be joined from the upper terrace .
4 Ehrenpreis 's approach , while fruitful in some respects , tends to treat the poor as an object to be observed from the outside even if it is with ‘ rapt interest ’ .
5 The Act makes it possible for the properties to be transferred from the local authorities to housing associations , tenant co-operatives , or private landlords .
6 Letters not specifically addressed to individuals or departments should also pass through this unit , and could be logged , if response monitoring were to be extended from the current obligation we have to log ‘ environmental ’ enquiries ( which we should also talk about ) .
7 Solid modelling thus allows the domain handling approach to be extended from the initial gross object definition level right down to the elemental description of local geometry by use of primitives .
8 The new territory , which was to be carved from the eastern reaches of the vast Northwest Territories and would stretch from the Manitoba border to the North Pole , was to be known as Nunavut , an Eskimo term meaning " our land " .
9 A referendum was held on Nov. 3-5 among the Inuit people in northern Canada on the proposed establishment of Nunavut , a huge semi-autonomous Inuit territory to be carved from the eastern reaches of the Northwest Territories .
10 Accumulated errors were to be erased from the holy books , services were to be conducted in a more intelligible manner , sermons were to be encouraged , and scholarship was to be actively fostered in a number of monasteries ; at the same time , new saints were canonized , clergy and laity alike urged to observe the prescribed fasts , and for a brief time the government even went to the lengths of closing the taverns .
11 It seemed to be operating from the back room of a house .
12 To ensure a " medium to high " probability of sustaining the forests , logging would have to be cut from the current 4.1 billion board feet of timber to 1.7 billion board feet annually .
13 These young men — sanguine , bold , resourceful and opportunist as they are — do seem to be cut from the same cloth .
14 The typical relation was monetary , and it came to be generalized from the individual patron to the eighteenth-century form of subscription-list ( prepublication ) .
15 I have discussed the potential advantages to be gained from the personal computing approach , and some of the component parts of the computerised personnel systems , which many organisations are currently implementing .
16 Meanwhile , the two sides continued to trade insults about the value of the savings to be gained from the rival strategies being put to shareholders .
17 As the competitive edge to be gained from the physical product decreases , businesses have turned to the added value given by service to discriminate them from their competitors .
18 The topological instructions can be written as a hierarchical framework allowing edge , surface or solid representations to be constructed from the same group of nodal entities .
19 Select one job to be run from the following options :
20 Select one job to be run from the following options :
21 Select one job to be run from the following options :
22 Select one job to be run from the following options :
23 Conference papers can be notoriously esoteric and dull as a collection and I would not claim to be gripped from the first page to the last .
24 The technique has enabled spectra to be obtained from the metallic cores of some important biological molecules such as hemoglobin and some enzymes , where the low concentration of the metal and the low solubility of the substance itself make it difficult to study vibrational spectra in any other way .
25 As we have seen , where the business is contentious , the client is assisted in paying what is owed to the solicitor if he or she wins , since costs are then likely to be obtained from the losing party .
26 If so , this may take some time and finance to organise , and planning permission may have to be obtained from the local authority .
27 For three years he had been with Jesus and heard his teaching — that he was bound to suffer , to die and to be raised from the dead .
28 In fact Wordsworth liked geometry ; he describes the ‘ pleasure gathered from the elements / Of geometric science ’ ( Prelude 1805 vi , 135–87 ) , and in the famous dream in Book V of The Prelude the two things to be saved from the impending Deluge are ‘ Poetry and Geometric Truth ’ .
29 It would take her until at least eleven o-clock to deal with the pecorino , after which there was ricotta to be made from the boiled up second skimming .
30 ( 2 ) Soviet forces were to be withdrawn from the former East German territory by the end of 1994 and governed by a separate bilateral treaty [ see below ] .
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