Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To avoid these situations it is important for pilots to be taught the right technique for the take-off run .
2 Those are likely to be extended the following year to include time waits between GP referral and an appointment with a consultant .
3 His objective seemed to be to save the Radical party 's electoral chances by matching promise for promise the prospectus of the rival Justicialist party .
4 And we can see the rates for which the deduction is going to be applied the other side .
5 A group of ragged children and some idle women were watching him with amusement rather than disapproval , half applauding him with their cruel laughter , and although one woman boldly cried , ‘ Shame , ’ most seemed to be enjoying the unequal struggle .
6 There were a few startled shrieks , but for the most part the patrons seemed to be enjoying the sudden element of adventure that had been added to their evening .
7 The hon. Lady seems to be confusing the regulatory record of my Department with the regulators outside my Department , who were deliberately set up as independent regulators as a result of legislation passed by the House .
8 If a patient returns after a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy and is still found to be harbouring the ubiquitous pus cell in the urethra , then it may well be that he has reinfected himself from his , as yet untreated , sexual partner .
9 President Abulfez Elchibey , elected in June [ see p. 38976 ] , was said to be reorganizing the Azerbaijani army .
10 However , the meeting , representing 33 different organizations , voted to establish a body " without rigid structures " rather than a party , to be called the Democratic Choice Bloc .
11 Peter Rawlins , having failed in his mission to set up the stubbornly impracticable Taurus computer trading system , has done what used to be called the honourable thing .
12 ( 1 ) There shall be established a body to be called the Scottish Bus Passengers ' Consultative Committee .
13 New clause 5 proposes the establishment of a body , to be called the Scottish bus passengers ' consultative committee , to monitor the effects of the legislation on passengers and to make recommendations to bus operators and the Secretary of State .
14 He explained the British problem to the Germans by saying that the British people had been lied to — they had not been told the truth about what used to be called the Common Market and is now called the European Community .
15 The Sun used to be called the Daily Herald .
16 There was what has come to be called the inverted story , that is , a mystery which begins with the murderer being seen to commit the murder and in which the interest lies in seeing how he will not get away with it despite that apparent perfection of his method .
17 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
18 It empowered the Secretary of State to prescribe a common curriculum ( to be called the national curriculum ) for pupils of compulsory school age in maintained schools ( for details , see Chapter 10 ) , to set attainment targets for each of its constituent subjects at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 , and to make arrangements for assessing how well these are met ; established a National Curriculum Council ( for England ) and a Curriculum Council for Wales to oversee the implementation and assessment of the national curriculum ; required LEAs , school governors and head teachers to ensure that the national curriculum is taught in all maintained schools .
19 Vitamin A used to be called the anti-infective vitamin because a deficiency reduces the resistance of certain parts of the body to infection .
20 Despite Herbert 's claim to be using the plain saying of direct felt expression and humility towards addressing the divine , he is also demonstrating his poetic standing .
21 Last month more than a thousand women in Birmingham were recalled after a nurse was said to be using the wrong type of spatula .
22 As we have already said , the practice seems to be to use the Optional Procedure for relatively simple cases , the only known refusal of an Optional Procedure action being an attempt to pursue a claim for asbestosis thereunder .
23 So I think we ought to be considering the entire sum of money but we ought also to be looking for ways in which we could be maximising the total impact .
24 Like its predecessor , in order to be adopted the new package — known initially as the Pearson Accord and latterly as the Charlottetown Agreement — required ratification by the federal parliament and by individual provincial legislatures .
25 This seems to be pushing the linguistic analogy too far , and to be taking too literally the structuralist tenet that literature is ‘ the essential manifestation ’ of language , and that ‘ the writer does nothing more than read language ’ ( p.84 ) .
26 The best on road type is the XC type 4 as fitted on 110 vehicles , for more off road use the XCL offers good on and off road manners but is a directional tread pattern and has to be fitted the correct way round .
27 That can mean only that UKIAS was to be made the exclusive provider of legal advice .
28 A few weeks after that incident we received a so-called hot tipoff that an illegal immigrant run was to be made the following night " somewhere between the Thames and Lowestoft ! "
29 The most favourable attitudes were found amongst those subordinates who perceived their boss to be exercising the consultative style .
30 Cassette tapes and rolls of film had to be posted the following day in envelopes that were tough enough not to burst and yet could be easily opened by customs officials .
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