Example sentences of "to [conj] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Next in the expanding network is Lenin Strasse with assorted communist theoreticians and luminaries awarded a street closer to or further from the centre , depending on how high their star stood at the time .
2 Although the SMPAs last for 3–4 hours and move parallel to and ahead of the front , a theoretical explanation for the size of SMPAs is still required .
3 Stretching up to and away from the patio was a vast lawn , smothered with spring flowers — yellow daffodils and a parade of brilliant hyacinths .
4 Prior to and immediately after the operation , the weapon would be holstered erm and secured by means of a strap across er the hammer of the weapon .
5 The wind seemed to drive all ways at once , so that whichever way they turned , as they struggled to and fro across the yard , and from building to building , the snow was always directly into their faces .
6 Simply stretch the wire to and fro across the pond from picture hook to picture hook .
7 They bustled to and fro across the dock and swarmed on and off the ships .
8 Prostates , bypasses , hip replacements and renal surgery swung to and fro across the table .
9 He found that he could n't remain seated while she was striding to and fro across the office .
10 Incidentally , this picture of the working of Ashington suggests all sorts of local routes to and fro across the parish in performing these various activities .
11 While they waited , Lissa made hot drinks , then stood apart and listened as Rourke spoke quietly with the woman , who still rocked slowly to and fro on the settee .
12 Arms flick to and fro as the Winter Fairy and the Stars of Ashton 's Cinderella give the illusion of twinkling lights in the frosty air .
13 Most obvious were the southern giant petrels : huge , dark brown birds , some with paler heads , and resembling an outsize fulmar , they glide ceaselessly to and fro along the waterfront on wings which can be up to two metres across .
14 She stood up and began pacing restlessly to and fro along the balcony .
15 Its larvae bore voraciously to and fro along the grain of the wood , generally under a thin , intact surface .
16 There is no legal right to protect or demonstrate — merely a right for the present to say what one likes provided that it is lawful whether by way of ‘ protest ’ or otherwise ; or a right to pass to and fro along the highway in a reasonable manner and for a proper purpose , whether carrying a banner or not .
17 She added that the effect had been enhanced by Miss Minoprio 's " curious mannerism of waving the club to and fro above the ball instead of addressing it in the conventional manner " .
18 A pair of swans cruised , with cygnets , and swallows were zipping to and fro above the water .
19 He has to keep going all the time — to and fro about the world and walking up and down in it .
20 It would not be safe to have you going to and fro between the steerage and our quarters .
21 A commission of magistrates and theologians from the University of Louvain was appointed to examine him in a long-drawn-out process in which translations of his heretical works were prepared by Philips ; written charges and rebuttals in Latin passed to and fro between the Commission and Tyndale , followed by oral examinations .
22 Ryan was jumping to and fro between the room from which the ladder was to be launched and the corridor .
23 Ross actually said the words out loud , even as he took the cross-hairs to and fro over the scene by the lakeside .
24 The attack on the village along the road was still going on , wounded and dead Commandos were being placed against the walls of the cobbled farmyard , waiting their turn as the jeeps ferried to and fro through the village .
25 It not only covered ships passing to and fro through the Strait , but also included reports of Argentine air strikes , naval activity , including the sinking of the Belgrano , and even references to the British helicopter that had landed on the coast of the Magellan Strait almost opposite Punta Arenas , and had been destroyed by its pilot .
26 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
27 This , he observed , ‘ is accomplished by lowering the head and gently drawing the tips of the antlers to and fro through the herbage .
28 Taking a long piece of string , she dragged it to and fro through the mud , heaping it up and turning that into men .
29 I ran to and fro from the kitchen for some time with saucepans and kettles of boiling water .
30 They ferried plates to and fro from the kitchen , where Rose and Victorine supervised what was to come next .
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