Example sentences of "to [adj] [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , this person 's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director .
2 Yet if Miss Hill was unlucky not to get a medal , her disappointment was nothing compared to that felt by the American Lance Larson on a steaming hot night in Rome over 30 years ago .
3 Photographs were distributed of young men wearing clothing similar to that worn by the two attackers involved in the incident which led to the death of Mr Sheldon , 20 .
4 Photographs were distributed of young men wearing clothing similar to that worn by the two attackers involved in the death of Mr Sheldon , 20 .
5 ‘ The audit function should be carried out by the Court of Auditors in a similar way to that adopted by the principal auditor of a multinational group of companies which has a number of foreign subsidiary companies .
6 This result could be achieved through the application of similar reasoning to that adopted by the Privy council in NZ Shipping Co Ltd v AM Satterthwaite Co Ltd [ 1975 ] AC 154 .
7 The ballot service , similar to that offered by the Electoral Reform Society , cut its losses on increased business .
8 Although requiring constant attention to water management , it provided a geographical base for the infant kingdom superior to that offered by the bleak , intermontane valleys inland , across the high limestone ranges of the Velebit mountains .
9 On the contrary , according to the Middle East International of Feb. 22 , in the occupied territories the supporters of the PLO and those of its rival , the strongly Islamic Hamas , were brought together by a blend of secular nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism similar to that achieved by the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein .
10 After participation in the CU , and the adoption by the CU of CET against non-members equal to that applied by the domestic economy before the union , then the commodity will be imported from the union partner .
11 He also indicated that his administration would establish an Economic Security Council , with a degree of influence similar to that enjoyed by the National Security Council , in order to improve and prioritize economic decision-making .
12 This was a messianic fervour that must have been similar to that possessed by the ancient zealots who died defending Masada against the Romans 2,000 years ago .
13 Franklin Delano Roosevelt centralised political power in the executive branch of the government to ensure that there was a competing power to that possessed by the economic elite .
14 But you stand a better chance of your material being used if it is topical , lively and written in a similar style to that employed by the particular newspaper or radio station .
15 It is widely assumed that different ICUs can be compared by the ratio of actual mortality to that predicted by the APACHE score .
16 However , although frequently described as polytheistic , it would be more accurate to describe Hinduism as a religion which has become monotheistic by another route to that taken by the Near Eastern religions .
17 It was widely believed in the western world that north Korea was simply created by the Soviet Union in a manner similar to that used by the Soviet Union in eastern Europe .
18 Terminology as far as possible conforms to that used by the Electronic Engineering Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in their software standards publications .
19 The first of these men was Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre , founder of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana ( APRA ) , who initially established contact with the Comintern and whose model was in fact not dissimilar to that proposed by the Soviet theorists , although he differed greatly on questions of strategy and tactics .
20 If it does the alternative of a statutory limit on hours of work similar to that proposed by the European Commission would destroy any semblance of manpower control just as surely as Field 's proposals .
21 Mobutu had intended that the Assembly , made up largely of members of his Mouvement populaire de la révolution ( MPR ) , should draft an alternative constitution to that proposed by the national conference in September [ see p. 39082-83 ] .
22 The heroin initiation patterns of this sample are quite similar to those displayed by the known sample with the exception of younger females .
23 The ratios generated by the capture-recapture method display a remarkable similarity and identical ranking to those obtained by the first two methods .
24 Foucault 's distrust of conventional forms of history , as we have seen , is a consistent thread in his project , as is his insistence that his historical method is limited to addressing specific problems — often comparable to those posed by the social sciences — to historical documents and practices in order to make them intelligible .
25 God of all love , give vision to those dazzled by the bright lights of Christmas so that they see into the dark cribs beyond the packed inns and be the shepherd or the person of wisdom to those who have nothing to celebrate .
26 American policy was described in terms very similar to those employed by the Foreign Office to American policy in China in 1947–49 :
27 Several wartime reconstruction working parties in the Ministry had outlined plans for reorganisation very similar to those adopted by the Labour Government .
28 First , responsibilities for care for the chronically handicapped in a community were to be given to those elected by the local population ; thus the electorate would , in theory , have greater control over the way local services are provided .
29 I am delighted therefore to add my congratulations to those honoured by the British Safety Council for the practical steps they have taken to create safer places of work . ’
30 And surely our reasons for allowing this are close to those suggested by the tripartite definition ; he has the right answer , and not by luck .
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