Example sentences of "to [adj] [noun] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Magistrates became so familiar with this procedure that , in some courts , the ‘ usual conditions ’ came to be attached to the granting of bail to striking miners in a way that seemed both autocratic and inevitable .
2 Speech is somehow seen as being transparent to that meaning in a way that writing never can be , because writing is conventionally thought to copy speech rather than the ideas themselves .
3 We are committed and open to each other in a way which brings us under the influence of the other 's ethics and direction in life .
4 If that is the effect of that tremendous personality on two men occupying the position that we do , and related to each other in the way that Mr Chamberlain and I are , that process must go on throughout the party .
5 The vast majority from the most senior consultant to the most junior nurse worked long hours and responded to daily emergencies in a way that was an object lesson to us all .
6 On the other hand , they differ in their area of application and to some extent in the way in which they seek to fulfil these two basic functions .
7 I do n't think I reacted to this story in the way Stuart expected .
8 The archaic heritage which Freud postulated was innate in all of humanity , not just the Jews , and is of phylogenetic origin ; it is not the same as the ontogenetic conflicts of the individual , although it is analogous to such conflicts in the way its effects are to be grasped and understood .
9 The expansion of the study of family history in recent years , and the coming together of historical and sociological concerns in this field in particular , makes it possible at least to attempt answers to these questions in a way that would not have been possible even ten years ago , for lack of appropriate sources of evidence .
10 The transformation from hard to soft back in no way dilutes the presentation of the writings in order to attract a different type of reader , rather it makes available to a wider audience , a collection of historical character studies at a more attractive price , something that , in this day and age , we should all be grateful for .
11 The award of the Nobel prize to Rigoberta Menchu means that Guatemala is exposed to international scrutiny in a way it has never been exposed before .
12 Like Mr Kinnock , he has travelled from Land 's End to John O'Groats since 1983 in terms of the policies he believes in , but the impression that abides after his speeches is that he stays loyal to ancient socialism in a way that his more revisionist colleagues have abandoned .
13 Notice that what is proposed here is not a rank structure applicable to all discourse in the way that the grammatical rank structure is applicable to all sentences , but a structure specific to a particular discourse type .
14 This leads us to the disturbing conclusion that there is a degree of subjectivity in identifying a stretch of language as discourse — it may be meaningful and thus communicate to one person in a way which another person does not have the necessary knowledge to make sense of — yet in practice we find that discourse is usually perceived as such by groups , rather than individuals .
15 Here it is important to see that the traditional category of plural is not symmetrically applied to first Person in the way it is to third : we does not mean plural speakers in the same way that they means more than one third person entity ( Lyons , 1968 : 277 ) .
16 ‘ I find myself attracted to American ladies in a way I do n't to English ladies .
17 The Monty Python star recently said : ‘ I find myself attracted to American ladies in a way I do n't to English ladies — odd , is n't it ? ’
18 This means that the class position of a given group is determined by its relationship to other groups in the way production is organised .
19 The broadly favourable response from all quarters to the New Brighton and Vauxhall draft area strategies suggests MDC has succeeded in allaying local fears of inappropriate development and has responded to local aspirations in a way that will promote co-operation with the private sector .
20 A thrusting action should accompany all linear punches and kicks , since it is believed to be related to potential power in a way that a snapping action is not .
21 When you have had your fill of art galleries , there still remains the Konrad Kellenberger collection of clocks in the renovated Town Hall , and the Swiss Technorama , where contemporary technology is skilfully related to everyday life in a way the visitor can understand .
22 The rational expectations hypothesis does not pose a threat to Keynesian theory in the way that was thought to be the case when it first entered into macroeconomics .
23 The aim of the exercise is to begin to discover why you relate to written language in the way you do and to trigger the first probings into your own , unique way of understanding yourself and your world .
24 Simple practice without analysis may be seen to be part of the craft tradition ; crafts people and their wares not being subject to literary criticism in the way that arts people are and historically have been .
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