Example sentences of "in [Wh det] he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His relationship with David also was a good one , in which he benefited from the older man 's advice and experience .
2 I was therefore obliged to monitor the line ferret 's progress and his approximate position by the way in which he progressed along the burrow from the moment he was introduced .
3 His education had been interrupted by the war of 1914–18 , in which he served on the western front as an officer in the 8th battalion of the East Surrey Regiment .
4 Born in 1924 , his ambitions were delayed by the outbreak of the second world war in which he served in the Royal Naval Reserve from 1943 , first in Coastal Forces and then on minesweepers , rising to the rank of lieutenant before being demobilised three years later .
5 Did that , he was asked in the House of Commons , mean that he had been out of sympathy with the policies of the Government in which he served in the '80s ?
6 In ‘ The Fall of the House of Usher ’ , Edgar Allan Poe invokes the fear of being shut in which he projects into the fear of SPEAKING IN DIFFERENT TONGUES , DIFFERENT TONES 67 shutting someone else in .
7 A spokeswomen at the Museum told Pilot that not a single aeroplane had escaped destruction or serious damage , including Weeks ' Solution aerobatic biplane , in which he competed at the World Aerobatic Championships at Le Havre in July .
8 Guitarist Mr Brook , who was a Redcar reporter for The Northern Echo in 1967 , lives in the multi-coloured Leyland wagon in which he travels round the country .
9 In August 1971 , the same year in which he married for the second time , Canetti 's brother , Georg , was dying .
10 While one takes into account the concern of Calvin and the reformers for the balance between the light of scripture and the inner light and direction given to individuals an experience vouchsafe for countless times in both the Old and New Testaments also remembering our lord 's own use of silence in prayer and I believe the increasing use of silence in modern worship and may I also say how very impressed I was by Dr 's prayer at the opening of this assembly in which he asked for the guidance of God and indeed your own equally eloquent prayer on Sunday evening Moderator open to the prompting and leading and guiding of God 's spirit .
11 This article was followed by a reply from BC 's finance director , in which he argued for the appropriateness of the Board 's accounting policies .
12 Watching his total absorption in the service and the way in which he hung upon the holy words , Owen could not help feeling a moment of doubt .
13 Following the Emperor 's address , Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu read a congratulatory statement on behalf of the Japanese people in which he appealed for the construction of a country which was energetic , culturally rich and dedicated to the promotion of international peace and co-operation .
14 There was an interesting article in The Sunday Telegraph on 1 December by Mr. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard , in which he speaks about the devastation in Vukovar and what has been happening in Croatia .
15 To Fermin Caballero , writing at the turn of the nineteenth century , this pattern of agricultural settlement constituted the chief bar to progress : a more intensive system was the key to higher production but the physical relation of the labourer and farmer to the land , the distance from the house in which he slept to the field he worked , made intense cultivation impossible .
16 At the Kazan " requiem for the victims of Bezdna ( which took place in the emotionally charged atmosphere of Palm Sunday ) he stepped forward at the end of the service with a commemorative address in which he referred to the dead peasants as " friends , killed for the people " .
17 I also have a copy of a speech he made in Geneva to the United Nations , in which he referred to the fatwa as outrageous , and an abuse of the most fundamental human rights — really very strong language for the British Government ! ’
18 He does not , however , explain why the causal influence of the forces of production is always , and necessarily , greater than that of individuals , and only takes up this point in a second argument , in which he shifts from the discussion of character traits to consider the role played by individuals of extraordinary talent .
19 John had made a few 1st Division appearances with Charlton , but undoubtedly the climax of his career came when he captained Palace to promotion to that premier division of world soccer at the end of 1968–69 — and then maintained his high level of performance by helping to keep the Palace in the top flight for the two remaining seasons in which he stayed with the club .
20 Then , it states that every citizen of the union erm residing in a member state shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the member state in which he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state and that the right shall , not may , but shall be exercised er before the thirty first of December nineteen ninety four by the council acting unanimously on the proposal from the commission and after consulting the European parliament which arrangements may provide the derogations where warranted by problems specific to a member state .
21 A well known right-wing extremist , Gottfried Küssel , was arrested on Jan. 7 after the broadcast of a television interview in the United States in which he called for the restoration of the Nazi Party to power and the creation of a Fourth Reich .
22 As late as 1865 , the botanist J. D. Hooker wrote a revealing letter to Darwin in which he complained of the stance taken by their contemporary , Alfred Russel Wallace , who had wondered that scientists should be so afraid to say what they think .
23 He was active also in the Volunteer Militia ( forerunner of the Territorial Army ) , in which he rose to the rank of captain .
24 At a certain point in his investigations , at the harbour in Trieste , the narrator imagines the pleasure felt by the midshipman who at that moment is explaining the lay-out and workings of his ship to two visitors , giving all the parts of the ship and all the instruments their proper names , which ‘ have no synonyms ’ ( Del Giudice 1983 : 44 ) ; and muses further on his own dreams of navigation , envying the midshipman ‘ the way in which he concentrates on the angle and the height , and his habit of considering himself in relation to something ’ , above all ‘ the exactitude of the chart ’ ( 45 ) .
25 After a long and colourful summing up , in which he swelt on the viciousness of the attack and the grievousness of the wounds , the callousness of the defendants and the misery of the surviving relatives , he made one adamant point .
26 Rumours of Kozyrev 's imminent resignation had followed the publication of an interview in Izvestiya on June 30 , in which he warned of the possibility of a coup attempt , and accused the defence and security ministries of providing deliberately misleading reports from areas of ethnic conflict in the former Soviet Union .
27 By contrast Aleksandr Yakovlev , regarded as the most liberal politburo member , won an unexpectedly warm reception for an impassioned address in which he dwelt on the value of perestroika in doing away with the Stalinist legacy and restoring morale and morality and the dignity of both the party and the individual : he observed that " not only emptying shelves but also emptying souls brought about perestroika and demanded revolutionary changes " .
28 That event had the imprimatur of no less a figure than Louis Aragon , one of the founders of the movement , who wrote an uncompromisingly surrealist preface for it in which he spoke of the rock candy sticks which ‘ emerge from the earth at every seismic shock ’ and toasted Félix Faure , the President of the French Republic who died , in 1899 , in the arms of a courtesan .
29 That evening Carter gave a warm toast to the Shah in which he spoke of the great importance of Iran 's relationship to the United States .
30 Recently the satirical magazine Frigidaire published a feature in which he appeared in the nude .
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