Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [adj] year [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well in my second year I coxed one of the women 's university boats against well underneath the famous Sue Brown .
2 In my second year I did n't do very much work , but I did lots of acting and directing .
3 At first it amused me ; after my first year it drove me to distraction ; in my second year I learned to take a novel with me to work and , with a bit of luck , get through it in a two-day shoot .
4 In my early years I did n't differentiate between one kind of science and another .
5 In my nineteen years I 've had three women , a nervous breakdown and some poor education .
6 In my sixth year I did make myself a smaller canoe , but I did not try to escape in it .
7 In my third year I learned to adore the man ; he can virtually do what he likes and I 'll still adore him .
8 In their later years they joined forces , and there is a photograph showing them together excavating one of the ‘ Danes ’ graves ' in 1898 .
9 In her first year she had one of those rare teachers who notices children and treats each one differently .
10 In her early years it met three days a week , but in the final decades was meeting on six or seven .
11 In her early years she helped to start the Girl Guide movement in Swansea and London .
12 In her teenage years she had thought it out carefully .
13 Even in her later years she worked on film and television projects as well as with a US daily radio commentary , The Best Years , consisting of homely reminiscences about the elderly .
14 In her last year she shared a flat with a 70-year-old mother-of-seven from Wales , who was doing history finals .
15 In its first year it had provided funding totalling ECU621,000,000 for 20 projects in central and eastern Europe , for which an overall total of ECU2,100 million of investment was made ( ECU1=US$1.24065 as at March 30 , 1992 ) .
16 In its first year it provided training opportunities for more than 4,500 people and invested in a wide range of small and medium-sized businesses .
17 In its later years it came into the hands of the Wilkins family .
18 In his first years he developed his interests in stratigraphy of the Chalk and in Pleistocene and Recent deposits , before he was transferred to the Lake District .
19 Even in India , where Owen had served before he came to Egypt , and where in his latter years he had been seconded from his regiment to an Intelligence post on the Frontier , it had been normal practice to purchase information .
20 Hogarth also lived there , but he was often at his business address in Leicester Fields , and in his latter years he became ‘ Sergeant Painter ’ to the King .
21 In his latter years he took little day-to-day interest in racing , but was seen as an elder statesman of the turf .
22 In his latter years he created an elaborate water garden at the cottage ornée he had built for himself on the outskirts of Plymouth , and was wont to drive round the streets of the town in a gig disguised as a Roman war chariot , looking , in Wightwick 's words ‘ ( as far as his true English face and costume allowed ) like Ictinus of the Parthenon , ‘ out for a lark ’ . ’
23 In his final year he took the part of Hotspur in the school production of Henry IV Part 1 and had the audience cheering at his rabble-rousing speeches .
24 In his final years he witnessed the introduction of vaccination ( 1798 ) and the rejection of inoculation by the majority of doctors .
25 In his final years he tried to revive his career in an American television series about martial arts called The Master ( 1986 ) but it failed and another series never got beyond the pilot stage .
26 In his second year it dawned on him that he and his friends were the cleverest young men in the world .
27 In his early years he sailed in the ships of the Dieppe armateur , Jean Ango .
28 In his early years he appeared in concert parties .
29 In his last years he featured in a number of important legal cases , and also became the subject of a famous caricature drawn on a tallage roll of 1233 .
30 In his last years he lived in Wymondham and continued to preach in Wymondham Abbey and neighbouring parishes .
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