Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And God 's word is used in bringing us to new birth , in bringing us , er to faith in Jesus Christ .
2 In summary , his presentation allows readers to suppose that the Pioneers were wrong in establishing , or attempting to establish , the producers ' societies as bodies separate from the consumers ' societies , and wrong even in seeing them as genuine co-operatives .
3 Since the conventions offer an imperfect guide to the subject at hand , it is necessary to look at some of the other types of sources which are generally recognised as being useful in establishing what the law is , and in relating it to specific situations and technical developments .
4 Some of them have posited underlying mechanisms of language change to account for this ; some have been more interested in relating it to social realities , treating language as a sort of cultural key rather than as a self-contained system with its own particular dynamic ; others have seen it as their main task to suggest linguistic reforms that will modify or eliminate offensive usages .
5 There were no difficulties in construing the section although difficulties in applying it to particular cases may arise ( p202 ) .
6 They are responsible for the complete replication of the extreme ends of chromosomal molecules and contribute to chromosome stability in protecting them from exonucleolytic degradation and end to end fusion events ( 2 ) .
7 Historical research has thus proved more successful in demolishing old myths and theories about the relationship between crime and social change than it has in replacing them with sustainable generalizations .
8 Mary Tyrone , perhaps the central character of the play but certainly not the sole source of discord , is a fading beauty trying to find solace from the harsh realities of the external world and internal torment in steeping herself in lost ideals and numbing herself with drugs .
9 The current study shows that Hand is likely to have retrieved the vast majority of derived papers , and it is suggested that studies in other subject fields would be statistically safe in limiting themselves to similar time periods .
10 The current study shows that Hand is likely to have retrieved the vast majority of derived papers , and it is suggested that studies in other subject fields would be statistically safe in limiting themselves to similar time periods .
11 Why do people take so much pleasure in immersing themselves in warm water ?
12 But why does this event persist in subjecting us to long rows of tap dancers , a breed of people whose only function in life is to display the disgusting effects of sweat and sequins under neon ?
13 The smallness of the demonstration , compared with the Dungannon march , showed the modest scale of the organisers , influence , although McCann is probably right in saying that they made a mistake in starting it in hostile territory .
14 Railway management is dependent on the minister ‘ fighting its corner ’ in battles in cabinet , especially over public expenditure , and in defending it before select committees .
15 A legal problem has arisen here in respect of defendants who ‘ could not care less ’ whether the woman was not consenting : we have seen that such men can be convicted of rape in cases where they achieve penetration , but there is a problem in convicting them of attempted rape where they fail to achieve penetration but clearly intended to do so .
16 They are interested in doing it in certain terms .
17 The Lake District was fortunate in having plenty of fast-running water , not always available in the towns , and cloth to be fulled came to the area from many places .
18 If the advantages of the relative detachment of non-executives are to be maximised , there is merit in distancing them from non-contractual issues involving directly managed units .
19 Half a dozen wild rabbits were all the stock I observed upon them with scarcely a blade or leaf of herbage to keep even these alive ; doubtless through the folly or madness of the first occupiers ( after appropriation ) in converting them to arable farms instead of sheep walks and rabbit warrens ’ .
20 This frequent contact with families is given strong emphasis by the prison authorities , who see it as one of the key elements both of encouraging prisoners to participate and in preparing them for successful reintegration .
21 Adopting a systematic approach to the analysis of the mismatches will help considerably in identifying them in future trials and deciding upon appropriate action .
22 John Newsom brought to that task an intimate knowledge of the workings of the Establishment , a rich store of anecdote ( much of it scurrilous ) , a delight in getting to know his fellow members and in entertaining them in princely style , and a huge sense of fun .
23 We are asking SEAC to take these into account in advising us in due course on the Orders specifying assessment arrangements covering English .
24 The idea of aesthetic education , as formulated by Schiller , seems an entirely noble one ; the difficulty is in accommodating it to contemporary pedagogy .
25 He had good taste and was most helpful in extricating one from awkward situations .
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