Example sentences of "in [num] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There is also a permanent memorial to the fliers , erected in 1986 by the Association and the Seaton Ross and Melbourne Parish Councils .
2 The gallery was rebuilt in 1935 by the father and uncle of Miss Wendy Kyte , who provided the information .
3 To give another , quite well-known example , those treaties were again amended in 1972 by the Treaty and the Act concerning the Accession of the United Kingdom , Denmark and Ireland to the European Communities .
4 Returning in 1903 with the Morning and Terra Nova , Discovery was blasted free from the enclosing ice .
5 Expos 'd in a True Picture of [ Jeremy Collier ] ( 1704 ) by Thomas Brown , or Hypocrisie Unmasked , the title of two works with American associations , one published in 1646 by Edward Winslow relating grievances by the Governor and Company of Massachusetts against Samuel Gordon of Rhode Island , the other published in 1776 with the subtitle or , A short inquiry into the religious complaints of our American colonies .
6 Ventricular fibrillation following the first thrombolytic agent did not occur in any of the 26 patients , but occurred in 2 after the rt-PA while in hospital .
7 Darrel had mysteriously signed Littlecote over to Sir John in 1586 on the understanding that he would still be allowed to remain .
8 A former WEA tutor , Longland agreed that Hertfordshire would join the rural areas scheme in 1941 on the understanding that the District retained full providing powers throughout the county until an Article 11 university resident tutor was appointed .
9 A further family link with Eliot was momentarily established in 1941 by the fact that my sister attended a poetry reading by him under the auspices of the English Association .
10 Major alterations in the seventeenth and eighteenth-centuries covered up the marble and we have to be grateful to renovations in 1904 for the fact that it is now visible again .
11 The Leysian Mission on City Road was opened in 1904 by the Prince and Princess of Wales ( later King George V and Queen Mary ) .
12 it was a similar story when Haslam moved to become deputy chairman of ICI Fibres in 1969 with the intention that he would soon take over as chairman .
13 Arms were offered to Allende 's Chile , but were refused , and various rumours in 1982–3 to the effect that the Argentine generals had ordered Soviet weapons have so far proved unsubstantiated .
14 The Butler Committee on Mentally Abnormal Offenders , in producing its report in 1975 on the law and services for this particularly difficult group of patients , made recommendations for changes to the Mental Health Act .
15 Peregrine Phillips took out a patent in 1831 for the contact or catalytic process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid .
16 Thompson , Chesson and Chamerovzow remained personally friendly but a later effort at co-operation in 1859 between the BFASS and Thompson 's London Emancipation Committee produced more recriminations .
17 I had mixed feelings then because the last time one had been that close on the ground was in 1940 during the Battle when one passed over my head at Allington , crashing a few hundred yards away .
18 In 1853 On the Nature and Treatment of the Deformities of the Human Frame appeared , and in 1868 Spinal Weakness and Spinal Curvature .
19 An announcement was made in 1921 to the effect that approximately 93,800 officers and men were still listed as ‘ missing ’ and unaccounted for , as a result of the Great War ; also the British Broadcasting Company was formed .
20 Our recruitment fell disastrously in 1976 with the consequence that a College decision was made to close the department and to phase out the courses that had been developed .
21 In this — his last — introduction Dicey sought to ‘ compare our constitution as it stood and worked in 1884 with the constitution as it now stands in 1914 ’ His views are illuminating .
22 The road , which is an important link in Rome 's traffic system , was constructed on orders of Mussolini in 1931–32 in the hope that this highway through the remains of classical Rome would enhance his fascist regime with echoes of Imperial grandeur .
23 There was also a charge of £9.59 million for trading losses incurred in 1992 before the withdrawal and £9.64 million for reorganisation of acquired businesses .
24 The Haren guests were treated to a round of events which may sound rather unexciting and unsophisticated to us in 1992 in the week that Euro Disney opens , but were good wholesome fun in a post war Britain still on rationing .
25 But increased competition , and the knowledge that the product was soon to become obsolete , led the Group Manager of Storage Systems in 1981 to the conclusion that , ‘ We needed to take the initiative .
26 Winston Churchill had welcomed Bonar Law as party leader in 1911 with the reflection that " if ever a national emergency makes party interests fade , we shall find in the Leader of the Opposition one who in no fictitious sense places the country and the Empire first " , a tribute that was certainly justified by Law 's role between 1914 and 1918 .
27 Changing its name in 1949 to the Taxation and Research Committee , the committee continued to make its influence felt in Institute publications , and in 1954 issued notes that explained to a still somewhat conservative profession the nature and purpose of management accounting !
28 It was followed in 1949 by The Rose and the Star ( with Phyllis Manchester ) , a comparison between Russian and British ballet .
29 One wonders how close the cost of Edward 's internment was to the £15 3s. 4½d. paid to Hugh Brice in 1471 for the cerecloth and spices used to embalm his predecessor , Henry VI .
30 Both regression analyses were calculated from data on 448 women because of missing values in one of the exposure or confounding variables .
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