Example sentences of "in [num] [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Johannitsa threatened the pope with accepting coronation from the patriarch of Constantinople : in 1203 Johannitsa submitted to the Holy See , the legate bestowed the pallium on the archbishop of Trnovo as primate and in November 1204 crowned Johannitsa king of the Bulgars and Wallachians .
2 The house disappeared long ago but a monument erected near the site in 1825 bears witness to the life and death of a sincere Christian man who was prepared to die for his Faith .
3 A disgruntled postman rang up a radio chat show to complain , and found himself spearheading an anti-Florio movement that culminated in 50,000 people marching on the state capitol .
4 After his re-election in 1972 Nixon asked for the resignations of all non career employees in the executive branch and took steps to ensure that all those appointed or reappointed were loyal to him and his policies .
5 In 1629 Hobbes returned to the Continent on a second tour , as tutor to the son of Sir Gervase Clinton .
6 Ever a proponent of parliamentary freedom of speech , in 1621 Alford protested against the ‘ eyes over him to observe ’ , but refused to have himself cleared by the House at the end of the session : ‘ God forbid that snares should be laid for mens words …
7 In 1929 Piscator invited from the Bauhaus first Oskar Schlemmer and then Laszlo Moholy-Nagy as scene designers .
8 In 1991 Ecuanor reapplied for the permits under a law permitting mining in protected areas if it were deemed " in the national interest " .
9 Was summer longer than usual this year to fit in six Test matches against the Australians ?
10 In 1106 Kálmán acceded to the Hungarian throne , and so began the long and often troubled relationship between Croatia and Hungary which lasted for over eight centuries .
11 The seven-member committee — dubbed the " God Squad " because of its power to override the Endangered Species Act — will have about six months to decide whether to grant an exemption to the provisions of the Act and permit logging to resume on 4,750 acres in 44 tracts owned by the Bureau of Land Management .
12 Serial sections in 10 patients stained for the presence of blood group factor H ( Fig 2A ) showed that the staining pattern detected all endothelium whereas ( Fig 2B ) not all blood vessels stained positively with EGF , only those in the lamina propria .
13 In 1898 Spain suffered at the hands of the upstart United States a humiliating military and naval defeat in the Caribbean and Pacific .
14 The Benson Commission 's unpopularity with commentators ( though not with lawyers ) is based on its recommendations that the status quo be retained in three areas seen by the profession as crucial : the retention by barristers of a monopoly on rights of audience in the higher courts , the retention by solicitors of the monopoly on conveyancing work and the division of the profession into solicitors and barristers .
15 The Convention of Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) has since 1973 aimed to protect species threatened by international trade , and lists endangered animals in three appendices according to the degree of threat they face .
16 Often these gloves were dipped in a mixture of glue and ground glass to produce terrifying results Almost one in three fights ended in the death of one of the competitors .
17 The Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies is closely tied to the LL.M. and M.Sc. , although it can stand as an independent qualification when it consists of study and examination in three courses selected from the LL.M or M.Sc.
18 Early in 1307 Bruce returned to the mainland near his estate and possible birthplace at Turnberry .
19 This rebellion was serious enough to involve disaffected groups in Surrey and Sussex and in 725 Ine fought against the South Saxons and slew Ealdberht ( ASC A , s.a. 725 ) .
20 Early in 1957 Macmillan agreed to the stationing in Britain of 60 American Thor rockets .
21 In 1918 Eliot wrote of the need for artists to be at once very primitive and very sophisticated ; he praised Lewis 's Tarr as being ‘ like our civilization criticized , our acrobatics animadverted upon adversely , by an orang-outang of genius , Tarzan of the Apes ’ .
22 In 1916 Pound recommends to the neophyte , Iris Barry , readings in Catullus , Propertius , Horace and Ovid , but warns her against trafficking with Virgil ( or Pindar ) .
23 Also in 1908 production began of the equally renowned sheep-shears .
24 In 1914 Nicaragua entered into the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty with the United States , whereby the latter acquired rights for the construction of a canal .
25 Intracellular free calcium concentration ( [ Ca 2 + ] i ) was measured in HGT-1 cells loaded with the Ca 2 + sensitive dye Fura-2 .
26 In 1251 Henry returned to the royal service .
27 The present text , his first novel , strikes me as amusing , irritating , and impressive in about equal degrees , and for all I know it might well have been composed rather than written ; certainly it seems to have been constructed in 64 chapters based on the hexagrams of the I Ching — it is subtitled A Novel of Changes , in case anyone should miss this — with frequent references to Marco Polo 's own writings , in Ronald Latham 's Penguin translation .
28 In early 1988 we reported in this journal the short term outcome in 33 patients referred to the National Heart Hospital between late 1984 and the end of 1986 and who were accepted for urgent cardiac transplantation .
29 The study shows preventable incidents as the major cause of death among Darlington and Teesdale children one in ten accidents occurring on the roads .
30 Much work was done in the 1790s at the Royal Naval Hospital , Greenwich , and in 1810 work began on the pediment there , which was forty feet long , designed by Benjamin West [ q.v. ] and Joseph Panzetta , and made in Coade stone .
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