Example sentences of "in [det] [adj] way [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't known whether to put it down to the fact that she imagined he was being left outside the camaraderie of the brothers or that in some strange way she was laying claim on him .
2 In some odd way he was not a stranger because his name was painfully familiar and she imagined she had been expecting this angry arrival since her accident — that must be the cause of this feeling that was swimming through her .
3 ‘ Everard 's wife has flu , ’ Rupert explained , ‘ so we owe the pleasure of your company this evening to that rather unfortunate occurrence , ’ he went on , feeling that in some obscure way he was being complimentary neither to Penelope nor to the absent Mildred Bone , but not quite seeing how else he could have put it .
4 She felt she had learned nothing about him as a man , that in some secret way he was keeping her at a distance .
5 In all these ways they were more akin to urban dwellers , and felt they had some independent choices to make in order to improve their lives .
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