Example sentences of "in [noun sg] was [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may be no coincidence that the occasion of this shift in distribution was also the time when the devaluation of the gold had become serious .
2 What Mill feared in democracy was less the type of government it might produce than the dominance , within society , of what he saw as a monolithic body of mediocre public opinion , which would be intolerant of dissent or even mere eccentricity .
3 Although some of the Roman cattle of the time were indeed large , with long lyre-shaped horns , the archaeological evidence does not in fact suggest that larger stock were imported into Roman Britain , but rather that the increase in size was probably the result of improved management and breeding of the existing British cattle .
4 Cunningham 's chummy dropping of the ‘ Mr ’ from his name did not fool him for a moment : the withdrawn and irascible figure he had encountered in mid-afternoon was nearer the soul of this man than mine accommodating and smiling host of the Skein of Geese 's oak-panelled restaurant .
5 A. in Reverie was undoubtedly the painting of the season , and the portrait he had recently finished of Mrs C — , the celebrated actress , was acclaimed — and not only by the sitter — as the best likeness of her striking looks ever achieved .
6 The fall in activity was partly the result of a US naval blockade in the Strait of Tiran , although many ships had abandoned Aqaba earlier in the month for purely commercial reasons ( i.e. an increase in shipping insurance rates ) .
7 The slope eased , and I came over what had seemed from below like a ridge , but in fact was merely the folding of ice from a long saddle that ran like a narrow valley between west and east summits .
8 That point in time was also the time of the appropriation .
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