Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Salt should not be used in cooking or at the table .
2 Etching of limestones with dilute acid gives an apparent increase in luminescence intensity , but this is due to points of high relief catching the oblique beam , with shadowing giving an increase in contrast but at the expense of resolution .
3 Thus politicians may say whatever they choose in Parliament or at the proceedings of select committees ( see Chapter 9 ) .
4 Whether shifts changed in place or at the surface was thus a matter of some importance .
5 The CPAG itself has chosen to define those earning less than 140 per cent of SB as ‘ living in poverty or at the margins of poverty ’ .
6 Law centres employ full-time staff , including lawyers , and will handle a client 's case from beginning to end , including representation in court or at a tribunal .
7 These two taxes win be described in turn and at the end of the chapter other possibilities , including local income tax , will be discussed .
8 Would it be in church or at a registry office Where would the reception take place ?
9 During the last couple of months we 've talked about every possible aspect and application ; in science , in industry , in commerce and at a home ; both of computers and of microprocessors .
10 Accordingly the law insists that a former employee can not be prevented from turning to his own account his professional skill and knowledge even though it may have been acquired whilst in employment and at the employer 's expense .
11 The common property , if it is more than mere cash in hand or at the bank , will be vested in trustees who must deal with it in accordance with the rules or with any trust expressly declared , and it can be made liable for obligations incurred by , or on behalf of , the society .
12 Current assets are those that can be turned into cash at short notice , in addition to cash in hand or at the bank .
13 Current assets are those that can be turned into cash at short notice , in addition to cash in hand or at the bank .
14 He said : ‘ Bexton was working a week in hand and at the end of the first period when he went to claim his wages there was no one there and Mr Thorssen had disappeared .
15 Such headlines both raise the issue of order in school and at the ground , and explicitly propose that it does not exist .
16 Characteristic ‘ whee-oo ’ call reveals presence of drake even in fog or at a distance ; duck has purring note .
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